arabera Nicolas Chiasson 2 years ago
Honelako gehiago
MKP USA, its leaders and members are responsible for providing a reasonably safe and welcoming environment for members, employees, volunteers, visitors and participants.
Safety is paramount in all MKP activities (I-Groups, Council meetings, trainings, community events and sponsored activities).
MKP USA takes threats, harassment, and violence seriously. MKP USA encourages everyone to engage if they occur.
The only exception is when men are involved in doing individual process work in a safe container to explore shadow as outlined in our trainings, PIT and I-Group Processes.
If an individual is the source of a direct threat or perceived threat to persons or property it is the responsibility of all involved to:
Goal - Recognize our gold. - Now that I spent 2hrs here, how do I feel and how I did my energy shifted.
Bring the man to recognize the valuable part of himself or accomplishment.
Magician round
The goal of the magician round is to work on our personnel issues. Past, present,
This is the work part or the processes.
If I was to do work today, what would I work on?
My name is ___________ If I was to do work today,
Warrior round - Accountability
1- Self accountability
Thumb up or down - Process with thumb down
2 - Support accountability.
Thumb up or down - Process with thumb down
3- Charges and clearing
If a charge is present, proceed to clearing.
Recipe Card
These are Warrior Round processes so the Facilitator should invite the Man Working to be concise and direct with his responses.
Self-Accountability Script
Support Accountability
Support Accountability Script
“No” is an acceptable response to any of these questions and ends the process.
Add clearing script
Note: Sometimes clearings in the Warrior Round are reserved for other men in the circle and clearings with men outside the circle are held until the Magician Round. Alternatively, all Clearings can be done in the Warrior Round; it’s up to the I-Group and King that evening to make that choice.
Setting up the Clearing
1. Who do you have a charge with?
2. Ask that man: Are you willing to hold a shield and be a mirror for this man? The man has several choices:
If he declines to be the Mirror, have the man doing the Clearing pick another man and get his agreement to be the Mirror.
3. Use Zoom Fishbowl so only the Facilitator, Man Working and Mirror are seen.
4. Do either of you want support?
5. Have a man that isn’t in the process scribe the judgments and feelings.
6. Say to the Mirror: Set your psychic boundary, your warrior shield, to protect yourself here. Are you clear that this isn’t about you and that you’re acting as a mirror for this man? Wait for acknowledgement.
7. Ask the man with the charge: Do you acknowledge that this is your work and that the Mirror is here to support you? Only proceed if you get a clear yes.
8. After you get a yes, tell the man with the charge: Because the man you’re clearing with has a strong shield, the fullness of what you’re feeling is welcome here. Bring it all!
The Clearing
1. Data Tell this man the data; what you saw or heard, just the facts. Data must be objectively verifiable; something you could record with a video or audio tape. Have him say, The Data is… before each individual piece of data. Be sure he’s using “you” statements addressed to the Mirror.
2. Judgments Say to the Man Working: Tell this man your judgments. Say, “[Mirror’s name] I judge... before each judgment. Ask questions to deepen the man’s experience of his judgment with questions like, What kind of man does that?
3. Feelings Tell this man what feelings this brings up for you. If there’s more than one, start with the strongest. Work with him until his stated feeling is congruent with his body language and intensity. Have the man anchor each feeling in his body by asking, Where in your body do you feel that? You can optionally also say, If there’s a sound associated with this feeling, allow that to come out now.
4a. Reflection Ask the Scribe to send a private Chat message to the Mirror with the judgments & feelings. Have the Mirror speak those to the Man Working with this language: I hear you say that you feel... I hear you say that you judge... Did I get that right? Say to the Man Working: Now that you’ve heard your judgments and feelings, does this behavior remind you of someone else? If yes, ask these questions (if no, go to step 4b):
It’s acceptable if the Man Working can’t or won’t withdraw his projections now and in the next section.
4b. Reflection Have the Mirror read back the judgments and feelings a second time. Say to the man working: Now that you’ve heard your judgments and feelings a second time, does this behavior remind you of something that you do or something that you believe you’re not allowed to do? If yes, ask these questions (if no, go to step 5):
5. Wants Ask:
6. Closing Are you complete for now? If the man says, no, ask him what he needs to be complete.
7. De-role
The goal of the lover round is to connect with self and others.
Name - animal name - Mission- feeling
Feelings are:
Mad - Sad - Glad - Shame - Guilty - Fear
The goal is to have us paying attention to our feelings.
Container Agreements
The password to access the room is: 996464