Kategoriak: All - volcanoes - boundaries - tectonics - geology

arabera Sam Davies 10 years ago



The movement of tectonic plates is driven by mantle convection, leading to the formation of various geological features. Guyots, or flat-topped seamounts, become older as they move away from volcanic hotspots due to the shifting of the ocean floor.


Cell is basis of life (as we know) e.g. prokaryotic cell

6 Key characteristics

Order Reproduction Growth & Development Energy Utilisation Response to Enviro Evolutionary Adaption


cross of horse and donkey, infertile so can't carry on dna




any cellular organism that has no nuclear membrane, no organelles in the cytoplasm except ribosomes, and has its genetic material in the form of single continuous strands forming coils or loops



Change Over Time

Earth's Poles
Provides information on the past behaviour of Earth's magnetic field and the past location of tectonic plates
Certain minerals in rocks lock-in a record of the direction and intensity of the magnetic field when they form.
large areas contort through buckling (bending layers)

plates move apart

grow apart at ~9cm/year- same rate mountains grow
Divergent/Constructive Boundaries

oceanic crust (mostly Fe, Mg) is heavier than continental crust (mostly quartz), hence oceanic crust subducts and mountains form

reason for earthquakes

Divergent boundaries also form volcanic islands which occur when the plates move apart to produce gaps which molten lava rises to fill.

Shield volcanoes

Divergent boundaries within continents initially produce rifts which eventually become rift valleys.

Most active divergent plate boundaries occur between oceanic plates and exist as mid-oceanic ridges.

linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.

Primordial Atmosphere
>95% CO2 (most removed by marine life)
Earth started with, Venus & Mars have now
Snowball/ Slushball


Sedimentary layers are laid down by deposition of sediment associated with weathering processes, decaying organic matters (biogenic) or through chemical precipitation.

Can take a long time, or might be instant - depends on what layers are made of and how they form

Same with sedimentation & tilting of layers

Biostratigraphy is based on fossil evidence in the rock layers. Strata from widespread locations containing the same fossil fauna and flora are correlatable in time.

Principle of Original Horizontality Rock layers were initially deposited close to the horizontal

Principle of Superposition Younger rock deposited over old

It provides strong evidence for formation (speciation) of and the extinction of species.

The geologic time scale was developed during the 19th century, based on the evidence of biologic stratigraphy and faunal succession.

This timescale remained a relative scale until the development of radiometric dating, which gave it and the stratigraphy it was based on an absolute time framework.

Lithostratigraphy, is the most obvious visible layering. - deals with the physical contrasts in rock type.

Such layers can occur both vertically - in layering or bedding of varying rock type - and laterally - reflecting changing environments of deposition

Studies rock layers (strata) and layering (stratification)
Plate Boundaries

Where two plates are sliding horizontally past one another. Earthquakes on surface.


Mantle convection is the slow creeping motion of Earth's solid silicate mantle caused by convection currents carrying heat from the interior of the Earth to the surface - Leads to diverging through ridges

new crust is created as wo or more plates pull away from each other. Oceans are born and grow wider where plates diverge or pull apart.


Crust is destroyed and recycled back into the interior of the Earth as one plate dives under another. These are known as Subduction Zones - mountains and volcanoes are often found where plates converge.

There are 3 types of convergent boundaries: Oceanic-Continental Convergence; Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence; and Continental-Continental Convergence.

Can see eruptions occurred around darker/lighter surface areas (due to cooled lava)
Conical - cooler than shield, more viscous lava
Shield - hottest, liquid lava
older as further away from hot spots

As the ocean floor moves over this “hot spot” at about five inches a year, the upwelling lava creates a steady succession of new volcanoes that migrate along with the plate

Huge column of upwelling lava, known as a “plume,” lies at a fixed position under the Pacific Plate.


Two tails: 1. Plasma (indicates direction of sun) 2. Ice

Stoney (Achondrites) Meteorites - Silicate Mantle & Crust Stoney-Iron - Small area b/w metallic outer core & SMC Iron Meteorites - Inner & outer metallic core

stony-iron rarest b/c limited space to come from

An asteroid is always going to be in space. Once it enters an atmosphere it becomes a meteor, then a meteorite if it hits the ground


Melting upon re/entry to atmosphere


Understanding their formation is important to understand the initial development of the planetary system.

achondrites have no chondrules

Are one of the oldest solid materials within our solar system- believed to be the building blocks of the planetary system

contain chondrules- can only be formed in negligible gravity

Chondrules form as molten or partially molten droplets in space before being accreted to their parent asteroids.

Stony meteorites that have not been modified due to melting or differentiation of the parent body

Natural glass formed by melting to molten and then cooling extremely fast- unstable, w/ air pockets usually (like aero bar)



Evidence of snowball Earth

part of glacial drift which was deposited directly by the glacier.

Formed by deposition of material at the Earth's surface and within bodies of water.

source of gas and oil, fracked, water


Mix of sedimentary, igneous or older metamorphic

The original rock is subjected to heat (temperatures greater than 150 to 200 °C) and pressure (1500 bars)


Formed through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava. May/ may not have crystallization

bluestone, granite

PROOF - Continental fitting - Similar fossils in diff continents - Large amount of seismic, volcanic, and geothermal activity along the conjectured plate boundaries - Ridges where plates are separating that are produced by lava welling up from between the plates as they pull apart. AND mountain ranges being formed where plates are pushing against each other (e.g., the Himalayas, which are still growing) - Hot spots and consequent volcanoes moving away - Records in magnetic minerals
random boulders on landscape due to: landslide, meteorites, volcano eruption
2-3 major ones in past

Horst & Graben

Formed when normal fault of opposite dip occur in pair with parallel strike lines - always formed together .
A horst represents a block pushed upward by the faulting, and a graben is a block that has dropped due to the faulting.
Regions that lie between normal faults and are either higher or lower than the area beyond the faults.

Useful Tips

Lecture 5 * two prim. processes to form elements- early universe, photons form mostly H * cores of stars at high density and pressure * b4 10^-43 seconds, physics breaks down- can't define where universe is * Heisenberg uncertainty principle * 300k years, charged becomes neutral- almost all uniform * 3 mins= two body reactions w/ protons & neutrons 4 He * beginning of universe * nucleosynthesis * isotopes of H * energy released most favourable-as mass turns to energy E=mc^2 * anything above iron diff process- requires supernova * cosmic ray interactions- Le,Be, B * two processes happen in stars * why Fe so stable (lowest binding energy per nucleon)- For an iron nucleus to undergo fission or fusion it has to absorb energy, so the odds are against it doing either of these things. (Rather than releasing energy) * live in atypical part of universe- too many heavy elements * Binding energy- why Ni & Fe found in cores of planets- left over products from supernova * stars- explode as supernova or form black hole if massive enough * enriched clouds- gas and dust full of S and Fe b/c can't see through them * gas cloud large enough- collapses and spins faster- hot core forms at centre- heavy elements move to center * accretion process- growth or increase by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter * solar winds from sun- clear out gas and dust left over Lecture 6 * Sun has diff trajectory at diff times of year * Process is ubiquitous * Be able to explain angular momentum about planets * Disk heats up, must cool * Planetesimals * Heavier elements flow towards center * Cool enough attracts lighter elements gas * Too hot too much kinetic energy and not attracted * Solar wind * Zodiacal * Icy junk- comet 1. Left over from formation of planets like Jupiter, Saturn, tail when hot enough- see it melting 2. Finite number of times, melts a bit more each orbit 3. Two tails- one tells direction in which comet came, other is ion (plasma)- tells where sun is * Rocky junk- asteroid- belt bw Mars & Jupiter * Oort cloud- cold storage of comets * Kuiper belt * This junk helps explain how solar system formed * Mars' moons asteroids that were captured into orbit * Symmetric bulge of earth- bulge passes over every 12 hours, can see through high tide * Intertidal regions huge back at formation of moon * Why moon only faces earth one way * What switches stars on * 4.7 bill years ago, sun formed from supernova nearby Solar system planets * Watery surface crucial for life development * Silicates in abundance * Mercury atoms escape from surface * Doesn't rotate in axis very much,one side typically faces sun * Venus- primary source of atmosphere from volcanic action like Earth * Remained same since then, Earth became diff * 70xpressure * Primordial atmosphere- mostly co2 * H2o evaporated, light from sun broken ,molecules into H, which then escaped, o2 bonds w/other atoms * Mars-one mostly h2o, other icecap co2 * Jovian planets * No solid surface * Hard to define atmosphere * NASA websites good about planets * Red circle is never ending storm on Jupiter * Rings are hundreds kms across, 20 m thick * Not so high density, satellites passing are okay * What elements in planets, why we see them as certain colours * Temp measures size of velocity of molecules * All atoms equalize to have same kinetic energy * Hence light atoms like H have high energy, more velocity, easier to escape! * If gravity still high at coolest part, lighter elements and molecules will stay * No H in Earth's atmosphere * Why does hotter planet have co2,but moon doesn't * Why don't atoms from other processes leave? * Plasma and dust tail * Meteorites may evaporate on impact * K/t bad bc of dust it'll out into atmosphere,will stay for years,ranging that depends on sunlight will stop


Kepler Satellite
most planets are: Neptune>x> Earth
revolutionised no. of planets found
measures brightness of star periodically

Start of Life

* Fossil preservation- ice, tar pits, mummification, mud, water, bogs can pickle, amber (fossilised tree sap), * Any way that stops decomposition * Predation, erosion, transportation can stop fossilisation * After earthquake, gas on bottom rises out, asphyxiates life that flies over, it falls in and may be fossilised * Fossils include traces, not just bones, fur, tree trunks * Coprolites- fossilised dung * Jellyfish preservation- falls in mud, makes hollow, have sand or something not mud on top, decomposes and leaves impression Cntd. * No shells to small smalls to many * To protect environment inside from out * Spike in O2 around 540 Ma ago * Predator prey relationship * Cambrian explosion- Burgess Shale- know time scale! * Preserved sea bed * As carbon film * Pikaia- invertebrate, chordate- one of our ancestors * Catastrophic event buried these things quickly (soft bodied) submarine avalanche * Evolved to fill niche, specialisations die out if can't adapt * Diversification * Early life David a Palaeozoic * Life went to surface from ocean * Know eons!! * Lobe finned fish evolved legs * No flowers in eon- ~1Ma * Carbon iferous
Necessary/Must vs. Sufficient/ Enough to produce life
Great O2 Event
* marine life have cal carb shells, goes to bottom of ocean and turns to limestone * * carbon underground also maintains * 21% o2 now * Timeline (slides)
O2 disappears w/ oxidation
About 2300 Ma ago
Once O2 saturated, started to release into atmosphere

anoxic, disoxic, oxic

life coincides w/ O2 increase

life begins to move to land, increase in size

CO2 removed

Early life forms photosynthesised

changed dynamics of atmosphere


cyanobacteria, stopped occurring ~500Ma ago

Marine life, nothing would have survived above (too much UV- Sterilise)

Formation of Solar System

formation of planets
nebula hypothesis

planetesimals form, attract one another and form planets, heavier elements fall towards center, creating core

large gas cloud collapses non-linearly, spins faster as it condenses

formed 4.6 bill years ago
initially smooth distribution of dark and baryonic
over-dense = collapse under gravity
Life of Stars
Forming stars- * Slow collapse at first, non linear collapse * Reaches point at which it speeds up * Generation of stars before the solar system we now know, to have heavy elements we observe * Gas clouds lose potential to kinetic, as it collapses it speeds up due to angular momentum * Fusion releases energy and powers sun * Supernova can be extremely bright * All elements we see in everyday life from supernova

End of Star

products of fusion - depends how massive as to what elements e.g. larger stars can continue to fuse C after He used up, or He if especially large and after C used up

outer layer blown away by solar winds, core becomes hot ember- white dwarf, black when no more energy

fusion process stops, no more fuel (H hot and dense enough to fuse)

fusion is halted since iron is so tightly bound that no energy can be extracted by fusion. Iron can fuse, but it absorbs energy in the process and the core temperature drops.

Depends on star's mass

>10 solar masses (1.99x10^30kg) burn all H, up to Fe final collapse and burning is fast & intense star becomes super heavy core remaining gas released as supernova

Core becomes: Neutron star Black hole (if original star heavier)

surface from 6000 to 3000K

at ~6bill yrs, star starts to change all H in core to He, core collapses, moves further out of star, less gravity, star expands

Neutron Stars

observed as pulsars (highly magnetized, rotating (~1 sec on axes) neutron star that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation.)


gas cloud collapses Burns H in core Later burns H in outer shells Eventually removes outer shells as planetary nebula forms white dwarf

Planetary Nebula: illuminated gas cluds White Dwarf: hot ember of degenerate matter cools w/ time

classification of stars

Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (luminosity against temp)

made of H and He, and heavier element contaminants (from other supernovae)
cloud of gas collapses due to weight

causes spin to increase, dense object forms at core, heats the gas

once density & temp high enough, thermonuclear burning/ fusion starts

Jovian Planets
Uranus tilts axis at sun
Nomad/Terrestrial Planets
Venus rotates on axis opp to others
ecliptic orbit around sun
4.56 billion years old

Early formation of crust - Zircon found 4.4b yrs old

Habitable Zone

far but close enough for perfect temp

region around a star within which planetary-mass objects with sufficientatmospheric pressure can support liquid water at their surfaces

Local Supercluster

The Virgo Supercluster or Local Supercluster is the irregular supercluster that contains the Virgo Cluster in addition to the Local Group, which in turn contains the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies.




large, self-luminous astronomical bodies


massive, gravitationally bound system consisting of stars, stellar remnants, an interstellar medium of gas and dust, and dark matter


cluster of galaxies forming a cluster

Cluster/group of galaxies

structure that consists of numerous galaxies bound together by gravity