Kategoriak: All - strengths - weaknesses - questions - research

arabera Kanwar Kabeer 11 years ago


Interview Preparation

Getting ready for an interview involves a series of strategic steps designed to help you present yourself effectively. Start by practicing your interview questions thoroughly to gain a better understanding of your job title and the organization.

Interview Preparation

Interview Preparation

At The Interview

Closing Statement

Close the interview with a strong statement of your qualification of your job for example why do you need this job ? why do u think they should hire you ? Give them a fully detailed answers with full confident create a good impact on them. At the end thank the interviewers. Shake their hands individually and thank each interviewer by name.

Time Managing

Manage your time. Try to answer each and every question in a very proffessionalism and a very polite manner. Don't take too much time on one question by thinking and mumbling, try to be quick and make sure you give appropiate answers.

Be Attentive

Be attentive. Listen each and every question very carefully and don't interrupt the interviewers. If you are not sure about the question or you couldn't hear properly, request them politely to repeat the question.


Maintain your confidence and a positive attitude. Make sure your speaking volume should be enough to make everything clear for the interviewers. Make hand gestures to emphasize important points, but avoid distracting gestures or making too many hand gestures. Sit comfortably. Do not sit awkwardly over the chair and try to be smiling becasue smile will help you to relax.


Emhasize your professionalism and your ability to communicate effectively by speaking clearly and dont use any slang language.

Positive First Impression

Don’t be panic. Try to be relaxed. Create a positive, professional and good first impression by being confident and giving a proper nice handshake to each interviewer and introducing each interviewer as they are introduced. Make an eye contact with each of the interviewers throughout the interview.

1 Day Before

Ready Your Dress

One day before interview you need to iron your dress properly and make sure your dress is proper formal that can make a good impression on Interviewer.

Sleep Tight

You have done everything. You have prepared your documents, now its time to go to bed early. have some warm milk. Set the alaram and sleep comfortably in the knowledge that you are fully prepared and it will allow you to do your best in th interview and you won't be sleepless.

Plan your Journey

if you dont have your own transport you should plan your journey in advance and allow yourself atleast an extra 20 minutes spare and this will allow you time to gather your thoughts and relax.Sometimes transports get delay due to some techinical faults and its is really important to be on time at the interview.

Practise Interview Questions

You should practise interview questions one day before becasue its perfectly natural to feel nervose but with the little advance preparation it is possible to keep nervousness minimum and assured that you can present yourself with full confident.

Print copy of your CV and Application Form

Make sure you print out your CV and your aplication form 1 day before your interview and keep your documents ready. So you won't forget you important documents.


You should check the weather 1 day before of your interview. Becasue you can get late due to bad weather condition and it is very important to be on time at the interview.

On The Day

Don't be Nervous

Don't be nervouse. Don’t get distracted or excited by little things. Try to be relax your self, don't think too much about the interview or do anything that might break your concentration.

Be early

Taking into account the time of your interview and traffic you should leave early. Be early. If the interviewers are ahead of schedule, they'll apperciate you for this and they might take an early start.

Recheck Documents

You Should recheck your documents before you leave the house. Make sure you won't forget any important documents beause you can get late for the interview and it will casue a bad impression on the interviewers. Try to put all your documents in a file or folder for example your certificates (each one neatly arranged for easy presentation), Photocopies of these certificates for your recruiter, A copy of your cover letter (the one which you sent to your recruiter), your identity card and last but not least a pen.

Dont smoke or Drink

Don't smoke, chew gum, tobbaco or anything else. Becasue this is a bad habbit and it is not considerable at the interview.

Dress appropriatley

On the day of interview. Get up early in the morning and leave plenty of time to get ready. Take a shower, make sure you are clean shave, have a proper breakfast, your shoes are clean and Always dress as smartly as possible. Even if the job doesn't require smart clothes it will still make a good impression with the interviewer.

1 Week Before

Practise your Questions

Practise your Interview Questions as much as you can to get a better vision of your job titlle. Try to gather lots of infomration about your Job title and about the organisation. for example they can as you why did you choose this organisation ? and why did you apply for this Post ? These questions are very imprtant therfore You should be fully prepared for these kinds of questions.

Strength and Weaknesses

Find out your strengths and weaknesses. Be ready to talk about your weaknesses, but find a way to structure them positively. Try to tell them stories as much as you can. For example what you have done on your previous job that your team felt proud of you? What is your main strength and weakness? Point out a weakness that you have worked on or are currently working on for example about two years i had a problem of communication. My communication skills with someone were not enough to communicate in a clear way. Later on i have started reading newspapers, watching News and reading books. These things helped me a lot. Now i have strong communications skills. These kinds of examples will provide a clear vision about you to the interviewer.

About Yourself

Prepare yourself to answer them about yourself for example about your background, about your previous job and about your achievement. Moreover Prepare good examples of your skills and experience for example how your skills and experience make you eligible for the organisation and for the job? Prepare answering the questions about your skills, education and experience according to your Job title.

Identify the Competitors

Identify the organisation's main competitors and do some basic research on how they affect the company at which you are interviewing for. It could be positive or negative. This research will give a good impression at interview as well as positive outcome.


Spend some time to research the organisation and the position you are applying for. To find company-specific information, visit your local library and search on the internet. Do some research about company’s history and company’s products, services, industry, targets and annual sales.