Kategoriak: All - metodologia - strumenti - insegnamento - musica

arabera Noemi La Rocca 2 years ago


Lezione di musica

L'attività descritta si svolge in un contesto educativo dove gli studenti devono apprendere e applicare le corrispondenze tra sillabe e note musicali. In questa esercitazione, gli alunni diventano direttori d'

Lezione di musica





The importance of the curriculum is that it helps teachers to plan the education process for a certain period of time.


Depending on the timeframe you have and on the density of the teaching material, you can part your lesson in units.

Each unit will have a defined structure which you can follow in order to achieve your goals.

fase 11
fase 10
fase 9
fase 8

Create a short quiz for when your students are going to complete this unit.

You can also decide if this quiz is going to be a part of the final grade.

fase 7

If you think that there are some other materials that might help students to elevate their knowledge, write them down.

Also, you can mark certain pages of a book to make it easier for the students to find them.

fase 6

Description of the assignment: give details on how students should start this work and what other material they should use as inspiration.

fase 5

You should write down all the specific terminology you want your students to acquire during this part of the lesson.

fase 4
ambienti di apprendimento

More and more teachers are using visual aids and other helping tools to exemplify lessons. Write down what materials you want to use.

fase 3

Establish your goals and procedure. What do you want your students to achieve?

fase 2

You should approximate the duration of this unit based on how difficult is this part of your lesson.

fase 1
Consolidamento prerequisiti

Type in the title of the first unit of your lesson.

Valutiamo il nostro lavoro!

Che voto daresti al risultato finale?
Che voto ti daresti?
Cosa è stato più difficile e cosa è stato più semplice?
Hai capito la consegna?
Sei contento dell'attività che hai svolto?

Attività in classe

Ora sarai il direttore d'orchestra della tua classe

Type in the title of your class.

For example: Intro to visual Arts

Spiegagli a quale sillaba corrisponde ogni nota!

What grade will you teach this class to?

Leggiamo gli spartiti con TA e TI fino a quando non saremo veloci nella lettura

Type in the period

Abbiniamo ad un valore una sillaba

Usually, at the end of the term, there is a final assessment. This depends on you and on the school system you belong to. It can be:

Either way, you need to decide on the course of this assessment.

Semibreve: TA-A-A-A. Minima: TA-A. Semiminima: TA Croma: TI

Choose one of the options below:

Multiple choiceEssayPracticalTheoryPractical+Theory
Assessment type

Consolidiamo gli argomenti studiati

guarda il video allegato

Here you should type in the timeframe of this class.

For example: 9 month course, Quarter or Trimester course, 'One School Year'