arabera Les LSM 4 years ago
Honelako gehiago
Type in the name of your marketing plan.
When a client wants a will, the following procedure is followed:-
A successful marketing strategy is made up of many different tactics, including both online and offline options. Your goals, target audience, and industry play an important role in this decision.
Send broadcast to clients with market updates of information to be done weekly or monthly
Share the relevant articles / documents if needed with clients or COI's
Check on different ideas shared by LS on improving the company weekly
Update the company LinkedIn every Tuesday
Send Inmails or messages to people who have viewed Les' LinkedIn
Step by step Process for COI
1. Send COI Initial Inmail on LinkedIn either from Les’ or Jim’s account. Choose between option 1 or 2 which are on folder B
a. Option 1 – Initial Inmail from Jim
b. Option 2 – Inmail edited by Les
2. After COI replies to the Inmail, we contact them back and ask for an email address and contact number and (ask for corporate brochure – consult Les & Jim on this before sending)
Les won’t to ask though?????
3. Once we have the email address, an email* is then sent out with LSM Brochure and Reputation Risk document setting up a Zoom meeting and request to acknowledge receipt. This can be found on folder C
*Option 1: The 1st edition made by Jim
Option 2: - Recent edited version
- Two days after the above email has been sent and we have not received a response, we follow up the COI either by telephone or follow up email
4. Once we get a response from the COI and Zoom Meeting has been confirmed, Zoom is scheduled and the link is sent to the COI and request to acknowledge receipt
5. Before the Zoom Meeting, Diana makes a call to the COI to confirm the Zoom and that he received the Zoom link and has checked Les’ and Jim’s LinkedIn profile and also the website.
6. After the Zoom Meeting, an email is sent out with the partnership overview document (which we request for it to be filled and sent back in 5 days) which on folder D.
7. Follow up with COI after 5 days if we have not received the partnership overview document by telephone (1st), WhatsApp (2nd) and Email (last)
8. Once COI accept to work with LSM, legal agreement is sent out which is on folder E (This will depend on International or Kenyan based LSM)
9. If the COI was not sourced through LinkedIn, the following will be sent
Send out the email on folder C saved as Email to COI Prospect not sourced from LinkedIn and attach the brochure and reputation risk document or Email to COI Prospect not sourced from LinkedIn and attach the brochure and partnership overview document with reputation risk Inside
(Seek Les’ or Jim’s approval)
*A flow chart has been provided for this
Collect information about the consumers, target markets and the clients of your company to assess how effective and popular your product or service is.
Know your competitors and improve your business' performance.
To be met twice a year
Select the buyer's age range
* information for pension is sent if necessary. i.e. letter of authority and questionnaire
Once the client acknowledges the analysis a meeting is set up for Les
New business from surplus amounts
We get referrals
Determine what you need to know about your consumers.
To be met once a year
Are your competitors present and active on social media? Select from the list or add others.
A mission statement consists of three components: key market, contribution and distinction. Take your time and define each of them.