A sequence is an ordered list that can consist of numbers, objects, or events, commonly referred to as elements, members, or terms. Various types of sequences include arithmetic, recurrence, and geometric.
Type Of Sequences. Sequeence- an ordered list of objects, event, or numbers which may be referred to as elements of a sequence, members of the sequence or terms of a sequence. http://www.mathsrev.com/types-of-sequences/ http://www.fibonicci.com/numeracy/number-sequences/examples-types/
Sequeence- an ordered list of objects, event, or numbers which may be referred to as elements of a sequence, members of the sequence or terms of a sequence.
Recourrence Realationship Sequences
A recourrence realationship defines a sequence in which the reccourent term is dependent on the previous terms
Geometric Sequences
Geometric sequences are sequences of numbers with a common ratio
Arithmatic Sequences
Arithmatic sequences are sequences of numbers with a common difference
Problem Solving (Polya) These are the proper steps to sovle a problem. http://www.hawaii.edu/suremath/why1Polya.html http://www.math.utah.edu/~pa/math/polya.html
4. Look back (Or reflect)
Is there an easier way to solve the problem?
Do I need to revise?
Does the answer make sense?
3. Carry out the plan (Persistance, may be necesary to revise plan)