arabera Mukherjee Adi 3 years ago
Honelako gehiago
I will try to join some clubs at school.
THIS ACTIVITY WILL IMPROVE MY SOCIAL WELLNESS BECAUSE it will allow me to socialize which many people have/still are missing due to Covid-19. It will also help me by allowing me to understand others and use the ideas provided there to have a better Social Wellness.
Play for a team of any kind.
I connect with my friends after school.
Why Does Assertiveness Matter?
Being assertive shows we respect ourselves and other people.
An assertive communication style can help us do the things we want to do.
3 Things that can help people to be more assertive
Try letting others speak first.
Give your opinion. Say whether or not you liked a movie you saw and why.
What will you work on to be more assertive?
I would like to give others the chance to speak first, as the past couple of weeks I have been ignoring what my classmates say or do and it has been impacting my results. I want to hear others ideas and combine mine with theirs to make an even better idea.
Practice using "I" statements such as: "I'd like..." "I prefer..." or "I feel..."
What is Assertiveness?
It's the ability to speak up for ourselves in a way that is honest and respectful.
What do you think You can improve the most in Showing respect for others?
I feel like when someone tells me to do something, I usually just answer back or do the work a couple hours after. This action could really be harmful in case of an emergency.
Speak directly with them about your concerns and don’t talk behind their back
When they request something, respond in a timely manner
Talk about your needs and wants in a direct yet calm and respectful way
Be a good listener and understand their wants, needs and point of view
The Importance of Diversity in the Classroom
Why do you value diversity in the classroom?
Diversity in a classroom help the kids understand how to treat others even if they aren't your race, gender or someone that they do not know. It helps them find their self-value and makes them understand how everyone is special and no one should be treated un fairly.
Choose 1 Area you would like to improve for Speaking skills
1 I want to improve on the delievery of how I speak as, people have told me that think of things that I say in a wrong way, because of the way I told them.
Choose 2 Non-verbal active listening skills you want to improve
2 Maintain Eye Contact
1 Avoid distracted Movements
Choose 2 Verbal Active Listening Skills You would like to improve
2 Ask specific probing quesions
1 Ask open-ended questions
2. Hope for Wellness Health Line
1. Children's Mental Heath Ontario Centers
5. Ask for help
4. Be yourself
3. Be patient
2.Listen and Reflect
Choose one mental health problem that you are interested in, or have witnessed. Describe what you could do to help a person with that mental health problem.
I have witnessed with a major case of depression to the point where they were to end their life. I started a conversation and listened to there side of the story and help aid them to living their life happily.
1. Start a conversation
What 2 things Will I do to improve my Thinking?
2. Practicing Positive self-talk
1.Follow a halthy lifestyle
Greater resistance to common cold
Better Psychological and Physical Well-being
Lower Rates of Depression
Increased lifespan
Not getting enough sleep impairs academic performance and makes it harder to get through the day.
Research has shown that positive thinking may improve physical well-being, produce lower feelings of depression and produce lower levels of distress.
This could be a social activity like going out or participating in intramural sports, finding a hobby or joining a social club.
This can include things like slowly counting to ten, meditation, thinking positive thoughts, visualization or playing with a stress ball.
Sometimes just talking about what’s stressful or having someone listen to your problems can drastically reduce stress.
I will try this new way to relieve stress
I will try to talk to someone as the recent year, I have noticed that being open with my friends and family has really helped me stay mental well.
Talk to someone
Have a stress outlet
Think Positive
Get plenty of sleep
Choose one benefit you feel and desrcibe how it benefits your quality of life
1. Stress helps me keep myself motivated as, it urges me to perform or do even better in the next game or activity I do. It also helps me look for the mistakes that I have done and not to do them in the future.
What are 3 signs do you exhibit when stressed?
3. Memory Problems
2. Low Morale
1. Headaches
Write things down in a Google Doc or Paper
1. Set Reminders on my phone
Improve your mental health
Increase your concentration
Improve your self-esteem
Have a strong hear
Reduce your stress
To improve my Cone Run
Fitness Component related to my goal - Agility
FITT Principle applied to my goal
T = Type of Activities (3)
Lateral Running
Jump box drills
Shuttle Runs
T = Time or duration of workout
I = Intensity (Low, Medium, Difficult)
F = Frequency
Times a week you workout
To improve my amount fo push-ups I do in 1 minute
Fitness Component related to my goal - Muscular Endurance
Doing push-ups daily for 1 minute.
T = Type of activities (3)
Chest Press
Triceps dip
T = Time or Duration of workout
30 minute
I = Intensity (Low,Medium,Difficult)
F = Frequency
5 times a weeks
Example Response - TO improve my vertical jump
Example Response - Fitness Component related to my goal - Agility
FITT Principle applied to my Goal
T -Types of activities (3)
Activity 3
Squat Jumps
Activity 2
Activity 1
Jumping jacks
Time - Duration of workout
30 mins
I -
Intensity (Low, Medium, Difficult)
F -
Times a week you work out
3-5 times a week
What 3 Proteins Do you eat most often?
3. Dall
2. Fish
1. Meat
Food Labels
What do you think are the 2 most important parts of a food label and why?
Sugar can give people extra fat and high sugar levels. These can cause peoples blood flow problems and lead to obesity.
If the level of Cholesterol isn't labeled. the people can ingest a lot of the high cholesterol foods which could lead to blood clots, stoppage in your heart from pluming blood, etc.
List the 4 Eating Habit Instructions
Describe one of the eating habits in detail..As it applies to you?
I eat meals with my family and friends as it helps me spend quality time with the people I want to share my time with. We share the foods that put on the time as it connects our traditions and culture together. Many of my friends are from a different place/culture in the world.
Cook more often.
Be mindful of your eating habits.
Enjoy your food
1. Eat Meals with others
Choose Water
What are 2 benefits to Drinking water?
A way to stay hydrated without Calories.
A great way to quench your thrist
How much water do you drink everyday?
3 Liters
Proteins - 1/4
Fruits and Vegetables - 1/2
What 2 fruits and 2 vegetables will you eat MORE of?
Whole Grains - 1/4
What 2 Grains do you eat most often?
Breakfast Cereal
I will try to sleep for atleast 8 hours
Don't eat 2 hours before bed
8-12 hours
Sleep Makes You More Alert
Sleep Reduces Inflammation
Sleep reduces stress.
Sleep helps your regulate your blood sugar.
Sleep keeps your heart healthy.
Describe 2 things that happen to the body during this type of sleep
You become less aware of your surroundings.
Your brain slows down.
Describe 2 things that happen during this type of sleep
Your body lights up with activity