arabera sue stinson 12 years ago
Honelako gehiago
Multi Media Links that are available for use by educators have not been completely updated.
All can still be used in presentation of material.
The directives from the USDA is that MyPlate works in conjunction with MyPyramid.
Tips are offered for a variety of different nutritional questions:
Vegetarian Diet
Nutrition while "eating out"
Sample menus
Counting mixed dishes
Physical Activity
Links to FSIS - Food Safety and Inpection Services
This will give you recall information, food safety guidelines for general population, educator links.
A Kitchen Safety Game -
Learn about food safety in a virtual diner situation.
Geared to middle school students.
Complements from Rutgers University and New Mexico State University.
Food Detective Game
Through link to
These materials have not yet been updated from the June 2011 change of icon from MyPyramid.
According to the USDA these materials can continue to be used, as the guidelines have not changed.
Worksheet to create a daily meal plan.
Children can track what they are eating for a day so that they can analyze their nutritional intake.
Two sided poster - one for younger children with simplified graphic, other side, for advanced elementary students.
Offers the kids MyPyramid graphics that feature healthy eating and physical activity messages.
Some industry groups and organizations are creating games that reinforce the MyPlate and MyPyramid healthy eating and moving guidelines.
For more information on food, nutrition, health, and related topics, try these links to other Federal government and partner websites:
Spark People -
Nutritional and Fitness Resources
Includes trackers and planners.
Includes Diet Tracker - you can set a goal, this site will offer tracking, and planning tools.
Has some advertising, the government websites are advertising free.
Each Food Group is defined.
Links to serving size and recipes offered through the goverment SNAP program
There are a variety of interactive tools that are easily integrated into Family & Consumer Science classes, Nutrition classes or Health Class.
Use MyPyramid to help your preschooler eat well, be active, and be healthy.
MyPyramid for Preschoolers is for children 2 to 5 years of age.
TV Viewing Research
When you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you have special nutritional needs. This section is designed just for you. It has advice you need to help you and your baby stay healthy.
Want to know the amount of each food group you need daily? Enter your information below to find out and receive a customized Daily Food Plan.
NOTE: Daily Food Plans are designed for the general public ages 2 and over; they are not therapeutic diets. Those with a specific health condition should consult with a health care provider for a dietary plan that is right for them.
Determine your personal MyPyramid goals. Then you can start planning menus by searching for foods and beverages you plan to eat.
Food Tracker
MyPyramid Tracker is an online dietary and physical activity assessment tool that provides information on your diet quality, physical activity status, related nutrition messages, and links to nutrient and physical activity information. The Food Calories/Energy Balance feature automatically calculates your energy balance by subtracting the energy you expend from physical activity from your food calories/energy intake. Use of this tool helps you better understand your energy balance status and enhances the link between good nutrition and regular physical activity. Keep track of your energy balance history and view it up to one year. MyPyramid Tracker translates the principles of the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and other nutrition standards developed by the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services.
Choose a food and it will itemize all nutritional content;
Calories, Food Group, empty calories.
You can compare two different foods so that healthy decisions can be made.