Kategoriak: All - tempo - concentration

arabera dagger22 d 10 years ago


Offensive Operations

Offensive operations encompass various forms of maneuver, each with distinct objectives and associated risks. Key maneuvers include the frontal attack, penetration, turning movement, envelopment, and infiltration.

Offensive Operations

Warfighting Functions

Close with & destroy the enemy.
Maneuver requires a base-of-fire element to suppress or destroy enemy forces with accurate direct fires and bounding elements to gain positional advantage over the enemy. When effectively executed, maneuver leaves enemy elements vulnerable by forcing them to fight in at least two directions, robbing them of initiative, and ultimately limiting their tactical options.


Leaders conduct fire planning to suppress, isolate, obscure, neutralize, destroy, deceive, or disrupt known, likely, or suspected targets, and to support the actions of the maneuver element
Fire Control Principles

Mass the effects of fires, destroy greatest threat first, avoid target overkill, minimize friendly exposure, plan and implement fratricide and CIVCAS avoidance measures, plan for limited VIS, develop contingencies for limited or diminished capabilities.

M203, Mortars, Artillery, CAS, NAVAL GUN

Fire Control: Oral


Offensive Operations

forms of maneuver

Frontal Attack
Seeks to destroy enemy force (weaker) least desirable
Turning Movement

Types of Offensive Operations

designed to catch or cut off a hostile force attempting to escape, with the aim of destroying it
follows the conduct of a successful attack and is designed to disorganize the enemy in depth.
destroys or defeats enemy forces, seizes and secures terrain, or both

hasty, deliberate, special purpose



Special Purpose: spoiling, raid, ambush, feint, demonstration, counterattack

Movement to contact
designed to develop the situation and to establish or regain contact

Main topic

Purpose of the offense

The main purpose of the offense is to defeat, destroy, or neutralize the enemy force. Additionally, commanders conduct offensive tasks to secure decisive terrain, to deprive the enemy of resources, to gain information, to deceive and divert the enemy, to hold the enemy in position, to disrupt the enemy’s attack, and to set up the conditions for future successful operations

Sequence of Offensive Operations

Consolidation & re-org
Movement to the line of depature
Assembly Area

Characteristics of the Offense

At the operational level, a faster tempo allows attackers to disrupt enemy defensive plans by achieving results quicker than the enemy can respond. At the tactical level, a faster tempo allows attackers to quickly penetrate barriers and defenses and destroy enemy forces in depth before they can react.
developing bold plans that produce decisive results
massing overwhelming of effects of combat power
by attacking the enemy at a time or place the enemy does not expect or in a manner that the enemy is unprepared for