One Degree Organic Possible Film Topics
Gluten Free
What are some solutions?
New Gluten Free Starche... answer?
Acient Grains
Better Choices
Trands exploding across the US
Comsumers demand it
Need sometihng that is just like regular bread.
Why do we need Gluten Free?
Is this the future of our diets?
Who is to blame?
How have we got here?
Ancient Grains
The Difference Diet can Make
Studies and stories
Medical examples
How food can change everything
What is really happening?
Are these new grains effecting us differently?
State of the Grains
Explaination of grains (types, names, etc)
Is there a need for different grains?
How are grains different now that years before?
What are we eating?
Future of Healthy Food
Food become healthy again?
Where should our focus be to sustatin these practices?
Can we go back to Organic everything?
Better Communication
Foodie communities
People that consistantly demand healthy food/lifestyles
How Technology Gets involved
Location services help you know exactly where your food comes from
Meeting farmers more
Media Transparency
Encourage better choices
Once they know the knowledge, then changes are no brainers
Information is power
Show problems in food industry
Not Consumer Friendly
New Information to the people
Empowered people take stand
Public outcry for better pratices
Publics reaction to seeing state of food
Coportate Farming
Global Impact
Changing comercial landscape
Cheapest to make = WINS
other countries can sell their goods to US cheaper
cheap food flooding market
Small international communities can't compete
Changing Farm History
Farms seen as commodity
Farming not honorable anymore
Losing Traditional values
Death of Family Farms
Big farming/agra business buying everything up
Where have all the farmer's gone?
Destruction of healthy traditional farming
Why we still need small time farms
What is replacing farmers these days?
The creation of Food
The Impact of GMO foods
Natural Process
Medical Reasons
(ask Kathy)
China Study
Wheat Belly
Forks Over Knives
Organic vs All Natural
How clean is "natural" food?
Money vs Values
What are the real differences?
No need to control weeds
Farmland friendly
Weeds aren't the enemy
Weeds only cover ground
We must be in tune with how God has already set it up
Nature wants to grow
Relatively Unknown
Teaching there are better ways
Raising awareness
Health Benefits
Seed does most of the work
More natural for body
Easier to Digest
What is the consumer's role in this?
Why does Veganic matter?
Need for Reform
Ethics of Farming
One Degree's Commitment to no animal abuse
What is the role of the farm animal?
Do farmer's have a responsibility to the people?
Dirty Side of Organics
How is the Health Food industry not healthy?
Is Organics really the answer?
Organic Contanmination
Fertilizaer Contamination
Future of Organics
Social Pushes/Impacts
Pushes in Goverment
MSG Labeling
GMO Labeling
Responsibility to Land
True Transparency
Organic Vs All Natural
Social Movements
What is happening to our food?
Consumer's have a right to know
Is there something we aren't being told?
Why is there a need for Organics?
Health of the Food Industry
Health Differences
What is Good Food?
Real ingredients; do they exist?
Where does Good Food come from?
What does farming look like?
How does food go from the farm to your fork?
Farmers vs Store
What are you eating?
The Anatomy of Food