Kategoriak: All - negatives - past - questions - simple

arabera Kritsada Kodtas 1 year ago


Past Simple Tense = V2

The text provides a comprehensive guide to using the past simple tense in English, focusing on the correct forms of verbs and the structure of sentences. It details how to form affirmative sentences with the past simple form of verbs, using examples like "

Past Simple Tense = V2

Past Simple Tense = V2


การใช้ Was / Were

1.Was ___?

Was + I + ___? เช่น Was I tired?

Was + he + ___? เช่น Was he tired?

Was + she + ___? เช่น Was she tired?

Was + it + ___? เช่น Was it tired?

Was + 1 คน + ___? เช่น Was Kim tired?


Were + You + ___? เช่น Were you tired?

Were + We + ___? เช่น Were we tired?

Were + They + ___? เช่น Were they tired?

Were + หลายคน + ___? เช่น Were the boys tired?

Were _____?
Was______ ?

การใช้ was not / were not

1.was not

I + was not เช่น I was not tired.

He + was not เช่น He was not tired.

She + was not เช่น She was not tired.

It + was not เช่น It was not tired.

1 คน + was not เช่น Kim was not tired.

2.were not

You + were not เช่น You were not tired.

We + were not เช่น We were not tired.

They + were not เช่น They were not tired.

หลายคน + were not เช่น The boys were not tired.

were not
was not

การใช้ was / were


I + was เช่น I was tired.

He + was เช่น He was tired.

She + was เช่น She was tired.

It + was เช่น It was tired.

1 คน + was เช่น Kim was tired.


You + were เช่น You were tired.

We + were เช่น We were tired.

They + were เช่น They were tired.

หลายคน + were เช่น The boys were tired.


ไม่ใช่ be


Did + ทุกประธาน + V.infinitve?

Did I run?

Did you run?

Did we run?

Did they run?

Did the boys run?

Did he run?

Did she run?

Did it run?

Did Kim run?

Did _______ + V.infinitive?

ทุกประธาน + didn't + V.infinitive

I didn't run.

You didn't run.

We didn't run.

They didn't run.

The boys didn't run.

He didn't run.

She didn't run.

It didn't run.

Kim didn't run.

didn't + V.infinitive

ทุกประธาน + V2


I ran.

You ran.

We ran.

They ran.

The boys ran.

He ran.

She ran.

It ran.

Kim ran.
