Kategoriak: All - pajak - penelitian

arabera yusica sept 1 year ago


Penelitian, Pemeriksaan dan Penyidikan, Tindak Pidana Pajak dan Sanksi Pajak (5)_002231053_SHELLA YUSICA SEPTIANA SAE

Pemerintah memiliki kewenangan untuk melakukan penelitian, pemeriksaan, dan penyidikan terhadap wajib pajak. Tujuannya adalah untuk memastikan kepatuhan dalam pelaporan pajak, baik melalui SPT Masa maupun SPT Tahunan.

Penelitian, Pemeriksaan dan Penyidikan,  Tindak Pidana Pajak dan Sanksi Pajak (5)_002231053_SHELLA YUSICA SEPTIANA SAE

Penelitian, Pemeriksaan dan Penyidikan, Tindak Pidana Pajak dan Sanksi Pajak

Do some research and find a keyword with many searches.

You should add the focus keyword in the first 50 words of the first paragraph, in bold text and also use it in some headings.

Tujuan Penelitian, Pemeriksaan dan Penyidikan

Try to follow these rules when it comes to paragraphs and subheadings.

Hak dan Kewajiban Wajib Pajak yang Diperiksa

There are also some rules when it comes to sentences:

  1. Do not use sentences longer than 20 words.
  2. Do not use complicated words.
  3. Don’t begin or end 3 consecutive sentences with the same word.
  4. Try to avoid passive voice.
  5. Use as many transition words as possible.

Wewenang melakukan penelitian, pemeriksaan dan penyidikan.

Think about the call-to-action buttons you will use.

Sanksi Pidana

In the beginning, when you are doing research and checking blog posts with the topic you are going to discuss, look at their length and try to use the same number of words or even more.

Tip: Longer blog posts work better for SEO.


Create a table of contents so you have a better view of the whole article before you start writing it.

This is also useful for the readers.

You can even update it later if you will have new ideas.

Kurungan Penjara


Bunga Kenaikan

The distribution of the headings should start from H2 at the beginning to H6 at the end. Try to not mix the order.

Try to add more H2 and H3 compared to the rest of them.


Sanksi Administrasi

Penelitian Pajak

Besides the focus keyword, you can also add other keywords.

Do some keyword research first. You can use a tool that suggests what keywords to use based on people's searches on the internet.

Distribute them in such a manner that they look natural and avoid keyword stuffing.


Jenis-jenis SPT

Before you start writing your blog post, you can create an outline so you know exactly what you are going to say, and have a clear goal to achieve.

SPT Masa
SPT Tahunan

Penelitian, Pemeriksaan, dan Penyidikan Pajak

Choose a topic that your audience will enjoy.