Kategoriak: All - advantages - disadvantages - technology

arabera sherlock holmes 10 years ago


project for cognitive

Creating an e-portfolio serves to explore whether technology is the primary driver in the evolving field of applied science. By linking major questions with sub-questions, the portfolio aims to comprehensively address the multifaceted role technology plays.

project for cognitive

Thinking questions?

How does the sub-questions link to the major questions?

how does our artefact link to our questions in the mindmap?

Purpose :Develop an e-portfolio to illustrate your viewson whether Technology is the main drive in the changing landscape of applied science

Major question : is technology the significant factor that affects the advancement of technologies in the changing landscape of applied science?

Sub-question: how significant can technology affects the changing landscape of applied science?
Sub-questions:is the resources reliable?

artefact 2 : EHow website is a well recognized website because : - it is sponsored by www. aiu.edu which is a doctorate in renewable technology. - there are reference that tell us how energy is being used such as : Power Practical: How Thermoelectric Generators Work Read more : http://www.ehow.com/info_7856895_advantage-disadvantages-thermoelectric-generator.html

Sub-questions : is the resources primary or secondary information?

artefact 1 : The resources is a secondary information because it is based on a science article written by a 2nd-information person

Sub-questions :what is the history of technology?

artefact 4: The history of the invention of telescope comes from Galileo Galilei

Sub-questions :is the person/organization that invent the technologies well known?

Artefact2 :Hannah Wahlig?

Artefact 5 :Center for Responsible Nanotechnology?

Sub-questions :what are some other inventions other than technologies that this person/ organization invent?

Artefact 4 : Gallieo Galilei invented the microscope other than telescope to help scientist to see more clearly about the world of microscopic things.

Artefact 5 :electrical seperation technology can help to solve many problems such as water problems by attracting ions to super capacitor plates can remove salts and heavy metal

Sub-questions :who invented the technologies?

Sub-questions :what type of technology does the people use to improve applied science?

artefact 1( Biomaterial )

Urine test Unit is used by the narcortics to test for the presence of drugs in urine specimens

artefact 2( industrial)

electromagnetic field has been used to harnesse and converted into electricity with the advent of thermometric generator

artefact 3 : milltary

thermoelectricity-generator is used to help the industry to recycle things into a better product

artefact 4( Natural science)

The improvement of microscopy from Dutch Spectacle Maker help magnify the optical microscope 9x to help people with poor eyesight.

artefact 5 ( nanotechnology )

invention of ultra-capcitors are used to decrease the amount of time taken to charge a phone batteries

Major question : does technology affect the changing landscape of applied science?

Sub-question :how to counter the disadvantages of the technology if it is not improving the field of applied science?
Sub-questions : how effective will it help the advancement of changing landscape of applied science?

Artefact 4: With Galileo Galilei invention, it is able to help improve the landscape of applied science field because the microscope has been used as an invaluable tool in today's research from simple light microscope different technique to the scanning tunneling microscope that shows three-dimensional image of a sample

Sub-question :how to improve the technology if it benefits applied science?
artefact 3: the navy requires a laser at full power for 2 minutes, followed by a 20 mins recharge to a total of 80 % total capacity.
Sub questions : what are the advantages and disadvantages of technologies?

Artefact 2 : Limitations remains in terms of cost and efficiency ( disadvantages )

Artefact 2: Thermoelectricty generators helped the industry to recycle things into better product by converting waste such as heat into electricity. ( advantages )