arabera Balqis Mustazim 8 years ago
Honelako gehiago
Prokaryotic CellCharacteristicsSmaller in sizeNo membrane bound organellesCell division by binary fissionTypes of motilityRun or swimTumblesSwarmStructures internal to the cell wallPlasma membraneMechanical boundary of cell, nutrientand waste transportLocation for metabolic processesDetection of environmental cuesfor chemotaxisCytoplasmsubstance of the cell within plasma membraneconsist of 80% water and primarily contain protein, carbohydrates and lipidsNuclear area or nucleoidcontain genetic informationRibosomessites for protein synthesisInclusionsStorage of carbon, phosphate and other substanceExternal structures to the cell wallGlycocalyxAttachment to surfaceProtect against dehydrationInhibit movement of nutrients out of cellsSource of nutrientsFlagellaLong filamentous appendages for motilityAxial filamentsPresent in spirochetesKnown as endoflagellaFor corkscrew movementFimbriaeOccur at poles or distributed over the entire surfaceFunction as attachmentCell WallResponsible for the shape of cellPrevent bacterial cells from rupturing due to changes in pressureThe point of anchorage for flagellaMay contain antigen if bacteria is infectiousTypes of cell wallGram +veGram -veAtypica
Gas vesicles
Iron oxide (Fe3O4) that act like magnet
Used for co2 fixation during photosynthesis
Contain the enzyme ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase
Sulfur granules
Thiobacillus - sulfur bact.
Derive energy
sulfur-containing compounds
oxidising sulfur
Energy reserve
Lipid inclusios
Storage material -polymer poly-beta-hydroxybutyric acid
Polysaccharide granules
Diffentiate by using iodine
starch granules: blue
glycogen granules: reddish brown
Consists glycogen and starch
Metachromatic granules
Stain red with certain blue dyes such as methylene blue
Large inclusions
Anammoxosome in Planctomycetes
Plasma membrane infoldings
Active process
Group translocation
Active transport
Passive processes
Facilitated diffusion
Simple diffusion
Some unique substances may required
Micronutrients (trace elements)
Macroelements (macronutrients)
Disinfectants - alcohols and quatenary ammonium compounds
Lysis: cells burst
Plasmolysis: cells shrink
Cause leakage of intracellular contents
Captures energy as ATP
Carries on respiration
Assists in DNA replications
Synthesis cell wall components
Selectively permeable barrier