Kategoriak: All - camera - flash

arabera Vivian xo 11 years ago


Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Gaining proficiency in various technologies has been essential in constructing this product. Utilizing Prezi has not only improved presentation skills but also introduced the practical application of embedding codes, making presentations more interactive and visually appealing.

Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


I used timetoasts it was a good way of planning my steps and keeping to time. In addition I was able to embed the video from my proposal on social network feed such as Facebook. While I posted my pictures on blogger, I was able to captions it. This allowed the reader to have a short information and insight about the picture before looking at it.


I have developed my prezi skills , I already knew how to use prezi but I have challenged and made my presentation skills on this technology accessible also the use of embedded codes from prezi to post on my blog without the link, the link can expire and so I found it useful to embed codes form this website to be a visual image on my prezi.


I have discovered how to crop a photo usIng the magic wand and making it the background. Adding a text and changing the colour using the key tab colours. I also know how to add a new layer if I want to add an image or words. I can enlarge the image by going to the menu, transform and then scale or do it with the keyboard pressing shift and the t or shift and pull the arrows on the image making it less blurry I also know how to change the file to a JPEG or a PNG File. I have learnt how to crop an image also layering a text above an image.

House-style and Conventions

The 3 colour scheme has symbolic meanings and sharp for the eyes. Skylines are likely to be the first thing you see if 2 or more magazines are not distributed on the newsstand well. This is good because the reader is pulled to buy the magazine by reading the skyline first if it is interesting for the audience.Reading the music news to collect information about trending topics both latest and past.
When I was thinking of pull quotes it was challenging because I wanted to have a unique quote which would pull the audience. A pull quote should not be out of the content of the purpose. A teaser can be out of the content of what you want the audience to think. They can be the same thing, this mostly happens in Fashion magazines. 3-colour schemes can be formal, If they have signifiers for example red is for passion and love and blue signifies a new born baby boy, and purple denotes faithfulness. The connotation of white is purity. The 3 colour scheme has symbolic meanings and sharp for the eyes. Skylines are likely to be the first thing you see if 2 or more magazines are not distributed on the news-stand well. This is good because the reader is pulled to buy the magazine by reading the skyline first if it is interesting for the audience.Reading the music news to collect information about trending topics both latest and past.


On Indesign I was told to use the international paper is easier to use, save and print, it is located in the setup and on A3 and A4 I could see the difference , using a double page spread or contents page setting it from the beginning allowing the task to be quick. On Indesign, I have learnt how to scale an image and add a margin on the A3 page for a double page spread using the ruler on the left hand-side of the page.


The compact digital camera can be used anywhere and the flash is set manually. The focus on the camera is set and does not need to be adjusted, also you look through one view to take picture.
The Trinity Flash
In addition the trinity camera is the flash, the flashlight is used to freeze a mobile shot.
On the Nikon there are dials; A and S . S for shutter priority , the shutter speed , which means that the time when the shutter is opened the slower the speed and the longer the shutter is exposed to light resulting in a brighter image. The saturation and exposure of the picture is enhanced. This is useful for next time I use this gadget technology to take effective pictures. Now A is for Aperture setting this will impact on how big or small the lens within the camera gets. The larger the lens, the more light that gets in and the smaller the lens the less light that gets in. Aperture is measured in 'f-stops' for example f/2.5, f/5.6, f/5.3
I have learnt how to use a DSLR camera when taking a photo, I will not look through the view camera because I will not be able to see my model clearly so I must look through the view camera. When using a non-manual camera you will hear a beep. the front cover picture, how to focus the camera and zoom inwards and outwards.