Kategoriak: All - financial - erosion - vegetation - physical

arabera Aaron Craw 13 years ago


Risk Managment

Engaging in heli-biking requires careful consideration of environmental, financial, and physical factors. Participants should avoid disturbing wildlife by steering clear of nesting areas and adhering to designated tracks.

Risk Managment

Heli Biking


Conern that you may not be good enough for the product you just commited to.
Ask the staff on their opinions and knowledge of the trails and they may be able to help you decide whether you are ready or not.
Fully research the product and the trails they offer before commiting to anything.
Loss of self confidence from not being able to do a trail your peers maybe doing.
Watch, admire and be happy for what they are doing and not worry about yourself.
Dont get yourself down if your peers are better than you with more practice you will be able to do the same thing.
Embarrassment in front of peers.
Do not be afraid of saying no to a hard trail as they should respect your ability level.


Dress inappropriately for the chosen activity.
Bring appropiate clothing for the conditions e.g rain jacket for rain.
Dont wear singlets or any other piece of clothing that will not proctect you.
Appear cocky and arrogant.
Just because you may have been Heli Biking before or an experienced rider does not mean you know more than the guides, so listen to everything they say and respect it.
Acting stupid and irresponsible
Do not attempt to take your helmet off before riding a trail, if you fall it would cause serious harm
Dont mess around while helicopter is landing and taking off and listen to the guides instructions carefully and follow them
Appear unskilled and incompetent.
Do not enter trails where you know is above your ability level.


take all rubbish with you when you leave or use bins if provided
do not smoke
Dont leave cigerette butts on the ground
Disruption of Wildlife.
Stay clear of obvious animal nesting areas and stick to pre-made track.
Descrution of vegatation e.g plants, trees.
Listen and follow the guides insructions when told of areas not to distrupt.
Try to avoid areas of new plantation.
Do not intentially ride of small recently planted trees or tussocks.
Unnecessary erosion of hill side.
Only use skid-braking when neccessary and avoid doing it in places where not needed.
Stick to pre-made tracks and do not venture off tracks.


Cost of participation
Research and budget your financial status and confirm you can afford it
Choose not to participate
Money for medical bills if neccarsary.
Ride to your ability levels to avoid injury.
Make sure you are covered by medcal/health insurance before participating.
Cost of repairing bike if broken.
Treat equipment given to you from company with respect and do not abuse the equpiment.


Apply suncream every 2hrs
Be sun smart.
Drink plenty of water during the day
Bring a drink bottle.
Wear appropiate clothing for the conditions e.g thermals for cold weather
Serious bodily harm from helicopter.
Make sure you follow the guides instructions quickly and efficiently.
Stay clear of landing and taking off helicopter.
General scrapes, cuts and brusies.
Head injuries/concussion.
Wear a full face helmet.
Stay clear of warning signs.
Stick to pre-discused routes do not venture off track.
Follow the guides instuctions.
Spinal Injuires.
Wear a back brace.
Broken limbs. e.g arms, legs neck.
Ride to your ability and fitness level.
Wear protective clothing e.g shin pads, arm gaurds and neck brace.