Kategoriak: All - relationships - appearance - technology

arabera Emily Urban 11 years ago


Sherry Lock Novel

The narrative revolves around a group of interconnected characters, each with their distinct quirks and relationships. Albert Jones, a tech enthusiast, spends his time playing games, creating gadgets, and adjusting warehouse 22A, much to the annoyance of his friends William and Sherry.

Sherry Lock Novel

Sherry Lock Novel

Albert Jones Tech

google-eying Sherry
adjusting warehouse 22A
drinking coffie
annoying William and Sherry
playing Death Con-5
creating new and safer weapons and gadgets
powers outages
when Sherry and William destroy part of warehouse 22A
when Sherry adn William wont let him go on a case
healthy food
loves to mess with warehouse 22A to make William and Sherlock go nuts
small brown eyes that dart back and forth
pinkish complexion
Cothes that don't really cover his large berth
brown hair
fat ( other way to go about it)
loves math science and technology
crush on Sherry
Williams best friend

Kenny Templeton

eating at slushy slam
going on dates with his multiple girlfriends
annoying the heck out of William
looking at his impresive colection of Play Boy magazines
going to parties
Playing basketball
mischevious smile
musels that ripple and twist with ever move
slow and exagerated movments like he is drunk
hight cheekbones
dusty brown hair
brown eyes that seem vacent
when his friends try and take his popularity
no meat mondays
his mother's cooking
when William touches his stuff
when his girlfriends find out he is cheeting on him
all muscle no brains
head basketball player
Older brother of William

Detective Barton Landon Barton

medium height for a man
worry lines
smile lines
a little on the chubby side
when his phone goes out of battery
how he can not seem to find any indication of who Sherlock and Warson are
Food that falls on the floor
spending time with William and Kenny
spending time with William's mom
counting what is left on his balding head
read the news reports on Sherlock and Watson for clues
looking for engaement rings
brewing over who Sherlock and Watson might be
solving cases
head detecive in NYPD
Datting Williams mom

Wearhouse 22A (voice)

Dislikes (hate is a human emotion)
When Sherlock and Warson damage the hard drive
Al's constant proding
The gunnery room
Sherlock's loud music
neither male nor female
created by Al
automated voice of Sherlock and Watson's hide out

William Templeton Watson

Sherry's mood swings
his brother Kenny
his mom's cooking
Sherrif Gunnerson
when Sherry gives him the "i am not goign to answer that stupid queston" look
shooting people to kill prefers to shoot to disable
Al's mess in warehouse 22A
jumping from extream heights
father died when he was three
lives int eh Daton building next to central park
never left New Yoek
built from all the long nights as Watson
blond hair
Blue eyes that seem to queston your every move
baggy clothes black cloak w/ mask and voice modulator set to atractive male
mother is and actress
practicing with Sherry's guns
Night missions with Sherlock
listening to police scanners
avoiding his mom's new boyfriend (Detective Barton)
messing around with warehouse 22A
reading Jules Vern
working out cases as Watson
playing Death Con-6
hanging out with Al
loves math and furensics
best friends with Al and Sherry

Sherry Lock Sherlock

small hands and feet ment for swift and strong movements
red shirt w/ jeans black cloak w/ hat and mask. hair tucked into hat and voice modulater on "strong male voice"
built and stronger than an ox (proven)
mediunm height
green eyes that glow on their own
long, wavy, and fluffy black hair
sitting still
Sophia Wineland
The way William makes her feel
Al's laughing sprees
large crowds
Dectective Barton
being cut of from her guns
first to come up with the idea of Sherlock and Watson
traveled the world by the time she was 15
Pass times
jumping of of large buildings and out of planes
polishing her wide range of guns
people watching in times square
making people feel stupid
taking tours of her mind castle
making fun of her teachers and Dectecive Barton
eating double cheeseburgers
scaling the empire state building
Annoying warehouse 22A
shooting in warehouse 22A
Enjoys anoying Watson
Practicing her many forms of martail aerts
solving mysteries and rubbing them in NYPD faces
Plays piano at three in the morning
Knows hundreds of languages

Sherif Gunnerson

hands and feet big enough they would look big on a elephant
fluff of gray hair
beady gray eyes
skinny as a pick
is single and happy
head cop

the cop side of him

loves guns and killing

ruthless cop boss

Hates Sherlock and Watson's guts

hates bowling and is a pro wresler

loves blood and gore movies

hates nature


loves Sherlock and Watson

dresses in light and happy colors

has a awsome bowling adverage

enjoys a good soap opra

loves flowers

Andrea Templeton

some freckles
slight in frame
skinny and healthy
brown ringlet curls
brown eyes that are warm and caring
math and school in general
the secrets that William seems to keep
her boss
sports tv shows
junk food
pass times
dating Detective Barton
putting on make-up
acting in her soap opra
cooking healthy recepies
watching health tv
Mother of Kenny and William

Templeton apartment

2 bathrooms
living room
William's room

closet contains some questonable idems

Angela's room
Kenny's room

Dalton Building

contains the Templeton apartment
the center of life in the Templeton family

Wearhouse 22A

contains the wearhouse 22A voice
drinks room
photo gallery
the lounge
Al's control center
Watson's furensics lab
Sherlock's gun room

every weapon imaginable

located on the mouth of the bay
Watson and Sherlock's hide out