Kategoriak: All - teacher - iep - policies - ministry

arabera Kathryn Smyth 3 years ago


Special Education

Within the educational framework, various roles and responsibilities are crucial for supporting exceptional students. Special education teachers collaborate with staff and parents to develop individualized education plans (

Special Education

Special Education

Special Education Teacher

assist in providing educational assessments
monitors student progress
holds qualification to be spec ed teacher
in addition to the responsibilities listed under "Teacher":


along with the teacher, provide programming for students as outlined in IEP
communicates with families
maintain a healthy physical, emotional, and social learning environment
observe, monitor, and assess the development of children
plan for and provide education to children in Kindergarten


communicate student progress to parents
provides program for exception student as outlined in IEP
works with spec ed staff and parents to develop IEP
works with special education teacher
follows board policies and procedures
carries out duties from Education Act, regulations and policies

School Board

adhere's to legislation
provide professional development
establish SEAC
establish IPRCs
prepare parent guide within information on spec ed programs, services, and procedures
provide statistics to the ministry
provide reports to the ministry
develop and maintain special education plan
plan and report expenditures
provide appropriately qualified staff
requires staff to comply with education act, regulations and policies
establishes school board policies


participate in IPRCs, parent teacher conferences, etc.
complies with board policies and procedures
complies with requirements as outlined in Education Act


responsible for students attendance
supports student at home
participates to develop IEP
acquainted with school staff working with student
participates in IPRCs, parent teacher conferences, etc.
informed about board policies and procedures


participate in board budget meeting for spec ed
review financial statements related to special education
participate in board annual review of spec ed plan
makes recommendations to the board to any matter affecting the establishment, development, and deliver of special education

Ministry of Education

establish a Minster's Advisory Council on Special Education
requires school boards to establish SEACs
requires school boards to maintain special education plans
sets province wide standards
establishes funding
defines exceptionalities
sets out regulations, policies

School Principal

ensures appropriate assessments are requested
ensures development, implementation, and review of IEP
determines approapriate programs for students
ensures identification and placement of exceptional students
communicates board policies to staff
ensures appropriately qualified staff are assigned
communicates Ministry and board expectations to staff
carries out duties outlined in Education Act