arabera Taree Panda 3 years ago
Honelako gehiago
Type in the name of the book you have read.
In contrast to the main idea, the theme is the message, lesson or moral of the book.
Some tips to find out the theme of the book easier:
Take notes while you read the book. Type here the resources, books, or websites that the author mentioned and you want to check out later.
The main idea is what the book is mostly about.
Some tips to find out the main idea of a book easier:
Type the names of the book characters. Start with the main character.
Draw arrows to represent the relationship between them and if it is possible write on them what they represent for each other (if they are relatives, friends, lovers, enemies etc.)
-Retikular dermis -papilari dermis
-Stratum germinativum -Stratum spinosum -Stratum granulosum -Stratum lusidum -Stratum korneum
-tunika mukosa -Tunika Muskularis
Telinga Dalam
-Organ Corti -Ganglion Spiralis -Skala Timpani -Ligamentum Spiralis dan Sina -Skala Media -Nervus Koklearis -Skala Vestibular -Membran Basilaris
Septum Nasi
-Epitel Respirasi -Epitel Olfactorius -Tulang Rawan Hialin -Lamina propia
Mukosa Respirasi
-Epitel bertingkat Thorax bersilih dan sel goblet -Kelenjar seromukosa pada submukosa
Mukosa Olfactoria
-sel Basal -Sel Penyokong
What are the characteristics that best describe the character? Type them here.
Tunika Fibrosa
-Cornea -Sclera
Tunika sensory
-Lapisan Saraf -Lapisan berpigmen
Tunika vascular
-Corpus Siliaris -Choroid -Iris
-Stroma -Membran Descement -Membran Bowman -Endotel -Epitel kornea
What is the reason why the author wrote the book?
-Temporal branch -Zygomatic branch -Buccal branch -Mandibular branch -Cervical branch
-Ophthalmic branch (V1) -Maxillary branch (V2) -Mandibular branch (V3)
Frenulum linguae
-Tonsil Palatina -Tonsil faringers -Tonsil lingulis
sulcus terminalis
-Papila filiformis -Papila sirkumvalata -Papila Fungiformis
-Epidermis -Dermis -Sub Kutis
Bag.Organ Auris Interna
-Labyrinthus Osseus -Labyrinthus Membranaceus
Bagian Organ Auris Externa
-Auditory Canal
-Auricula Pinna
Bag.Organ Auris Media
-Membran Tympani -OS.Auditiva -Cavum Tympani -Tuba Eustachius -Antarumat Mastoideum
Pembuluh Darah
A.Carotis Externa A.Carotis Interna
Sinus Paranasales
-Sinus Maxillaris D-S -Sinus Frontalis D-S -Sinus Sphenoidalis D-S -Sinus Ethmoidalis D-S
cavum nasi
-dinding di sisi lateral, septum Nasi, Vestibulum Nasi
nasus esternus
pembuluh Darah
- Venae : V. Ophtalmica Superior & V. Ophtalmica Inferior
- Arteriae : A. Ophtalmica
- M. Rectus Superior - M. Rectus Inferior - M. Rectus Medialis - M. Rectus Lateralis - M. Obliquus Superior - M. Obliquus Inferior
Organ Bulbus Oculi
1.Cornea 2.Sclera 3.Iris 4.Choroidea 5.corpus ciliare 6.Retina
Organ Conjungtiva
Organ Palpebra
Organ Supercilia