Kategoriak: All - culture - dissemination - translation - language

arabera JULIAN DAVID SANCHEZ PENA 2 years ago


The School of Translators of Toledo

During the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, a significant translation initiative flourished in Toledo, Spain, marking a pivotal moment in the transmission of knowledge. This period saw a shift from ecclesiastical dominance to more secular, inclusive practices.

The School of Translators of Toledo

Wikipedia contributors. (s/f). Escuela de Traductores de Toledo. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Escuela_de_Traductores_de_Toledo&oldid=148927224

Jhon Benjamins Publishing Company (2012) Translators through history

The School of Translators of Toledo

The flourishing translation activity that took place during the twelveth and thirteenth centuary in Spain

"The study of creation, dissemination and popularization in relation to the work of the Toledo translators raises the issue of the appropiation of knowledge through translation."
Dissemination of knowledge

Subdivision into separated functions

The practice of translation

Envirroment and working methods favoured the spread of knowledge

Striking Imbalance

Different states of knowledge in the source culture and the receiving culture

New Translation and creation

Twelveth century Reneissance

Centred on philosophical and scientifc Greek and Arab achivements





XIII Century

Alfonso X says that texts should be easy to understand

"Terminological" Research

Forge a Spanish culture on the basis of this stroehouse of knowledge

Translation into Castilian Spanish

The corrections and historical references took Arab more into account.

Desentralization of Traduction

The translation served a secular patron (sponsored)

Being a memeber of eclesiastic stablishments wasn't a condition to transalte

People started to translate to spanish verniculair

XII Century


Translators were more concernet with enhancing their own knowledge

Translation strategies


Semantic Borrowings



Incorporate foreing knowledge into a latin framework


The translation was used to exchange information instead of pupolarizing it


Some historical references (mostly arabian) were judged and avoided

Dominated by the Church

A persuit of the Greek and Arab legacy

Translators worked in the name of Church


It was mainly from arab to Latin

Toledo was a city full of knowledge

Schollars arrived to study with the manuscripcts that were in the city

Alfonso Vi conquers Toledo and made it into a center of intercultural exchange

Many of the muslims leave the city, but their language stills

Mozarabic and jewishes that knew the languge were able to read in latin

Toledo becames the hub of the transalation

Continuing with the studies of Baghdad's school