Kategoriak: All - sets - convergence - topology

arabera Rodrigo Rojas Moraleda 10 years ago



In topology, the concept of homeomorphism is crucial, as it establishes when two spaces can be considered equivalent, involving continuous mappings with continuous inverses. Topological spaces have various properties, including open and closed sets, neighborhoods, and limit points.


Homeomorphism (homeomorphic mapping) is a mapping f: (X,Tx) --> (Y, Ty) s.t. f is continuous and inv(f) is continuous

(X,Tx), (Y,Ty) HOMEOMORPHIC ≈ Spaces if there is a homeomorphism between the spaces

Symetric (X,Tx) ≈ (Y,Ty) and (Y,Ty) ≈ (Z,Tz) then (X,Tx) ≈ (Z,Tz)
Symetric (X,Tx) ≈ (Y,Ty) then (Y,Ty) ≈ (X,Tx)
Reflexive (X,Tx) ≈ (X,Tx)





CONVERGENCY IN (X,Tx) of sequences of elements xn in X

SEQUENCE xn in X CONVERGES to L if: For an U in the veninity of L V(L) or open O s.t L in O enxist a natural numner N S.T. for all n >= N then xn is in U

For (X,Tx) to (Y,Ty) f continuous mapping xn sequence converges to L in X if yn=f(xn) then yn converges to(f(L) in Y
if Tx is discrete topology only xn becoming in constant converges
For X stronger xn is hard to converge
xn can converge to several elements of X

(X) Set / Collections

(T) Topology Family of subsets of (X) Axiomatic definition of open sets (O)

Intersection of topology is a topology
Discrete Topology T_d All subset of X Power set
Usual Topology on R O ∈ T iff ∀x ∈ O ∃ǫ > 0 : ]x − ǫ, x + ǫ[⊂ O.
Trivial Topology (X,T_t) {X , empty set}
Or alternatively by a axiomatic system of neightborhoods



Ingteger numbers


Real numbers

( f ) Mapping between topological spaced (X,Tx) to (Y,Ty)

Conbtinuous "on X" f:(X,Tx) ---> (Y, Ty) if is continuous for all points of X

Continuous Real Mapping f:(X,Tx) ---> (R,TR)

( f ) Continuous "at point x0" if yo=f(x0) and for a neighborhood of yo Ny exist a neigtbohood of x0 Nx such that f(Nx) included in f(Ny)

CONTINUOUS MAPPING if the image of every OPEN W in Y is an OPEN in X ; this is inv(f(W)) is in Tx

THEOREM: f: X --> Y, and g:Y --> Z f continuous map, g continuous map then g · f : X --> g(f(X)) in Z IS CONTINUOUS
THEROREM : f:(X,Tx) ---> (Y, Ty) IS CONTINUOUS ALSO IF if the image of every CLOSED W in Y is an CLOSED in X
THEROREM : f:(X,Tx) ---> (Y, Ty) IS CONTINUOUS ALSO IF Tx is stronger topology than Ty

Comparison of Topologies

T1 is Stronger Topology than T2 if every open of T2 is an open of T1

T2 Weaker Topology than T1 if every open of T2 is an open of T1

Open Sets (O) Elements of (X,T)

Neighborhood of points x in (X,T)

Interior Larger open set in a set A in (X,T)
Limit Points not in Boundary
Contact Points in the Boundary adherent point "closure point " point of closure
Closure of barra A Set of all contact points of A


Morgan Laws

Closed Set Complements of (O)


Topological space (X,T) x in (X,T) are points

FINAL TOPOLOGY Minimal topology on X that make any mappinf fi : X --> Y
Connected Topological Space if only Vacio and X are unique open close subset
Density in (X,T) A dense in X if \A=X
A nowhere dense if is no dense in any subset
The product topology Result of create Opens that unite two topologies: ej. R2= RxR
THE TRACE system of subsets of a subset on (X,T)
RELATIVE OR INDUCED TOPOLOGYSub topological space of subsets of (X,T)