Kategoriak: All - stereotypes - rights - feminism - equality

arabera Alberto Orea González 4 years ago


Twelve small actions with big impact for Generation Equality

Promoting Generation Equality involves small, meaningful actions that collectively create substantial change. One crucial step is calling out sexism and harassment, as well as challenging sexist jokes that demean women.

Twelve small actions with big impact for Generation Equality

Twelve small actions with big impact for Generation Equality

6. Shop responsibly

We better start to take care about our planet, trying to buy second hand clothes, eco friendly bags and that stuff.

5. Exersice you rights

This point tries to make conscience about how discriminated were the women the past years in the politic way and now if we can vote for a woman, do it!

4. Demand a equal work culture

Sometimes the women does more work than us and get less than men just for being women, and what we can do is try to make this more equitative, they deserves to get the same than men and more.

3. Reject the binary

Even if u arent agree with the diversity of gender, you have to learn the new pronouns to talk to people tha are not indentifyed with her or him.

2. Call out sexism and charsment

Stop making jokes that makes women feel embarrased, you dont look cool triying to make other people feel less.

1. Share the care

Help out in house doing stuff, dont let women do what you also can, at least if you dont use to help with the work of house, try to be more empathic.

12. Respect the choices of others

There will always be diferents opinions that maybe we will not share, but we have to respect the others as we want to be respected.

11. Challenge beauty standards

A great accion we can do is cut that stereotypes of women beauty, because that makes they feel bad about hers body.

10. Commit to a cause

Accions are better than words, if you can join to a campaing to help women or other men do it!

9. Challenge what it means to “be a man”

Stop having that beliefs, the men also cry, cook and whash the dishes.

8. Teach girls their worth

We are part of the newest generations and is our job stop teaching to our futures daughters that we all are the sames, we all have the same responsabilities and obligations and most important, we all are same.

7. Amplify feminist books, movies and more

Women also get discriminated in the literature bussines