arabera oliver Gonzalez 4 years ago
Honelako gehiago
This kind of verbs pinpoint some sort of action that a person, animal or object can do.
Action verbs can also be mental actions or things that can be seen.
To establish which word in a sentence is an action verb, just go through each word and ask yourself 'Is this something that can be done by a person, animal or object?'.
Se mide en potensimetro
Definition: deliver to proper destinations.
Se mide con viscosimetro
Use 'distribute' in the Present Perfect Tense
Type in a sentence in which the verb 'distribute' is in the present perfect.
Se mide con manómetro
Use 'distribute' in the Future Simple Tense
Write a short sentence in which the verb 'distribute' uses future simple.
Se mide con termómetro
Use 'distribute' in the Past Simple Tense
Write a short sentence in which the verb 'distribute' uses this tense.
Se mide con flujo metro
Use 'distribute' in the Present Simple Tense
Write a sentence in which the verb 'distribute' uses this tense.
Definition: to make slight changes in something in order to make it fit or function better.
Verb 'bake'
Definition: to cook in the oven.
Volt se mide en voltímetro
Use 'bake' in the Past Perfect Tense
Type in a short sentence in which the verb 'bake' uses past perfect.
Ampere se mide en galvano metro
Use 'bake' in the Past Simple Tense
Write a short sentence in which the verb 'bake' uses this tense.
ohm se mide en óhmetro
Use 'bake' in the Present Perfect Tense
Type in a sentence in which the verb 'bake' is in the present perfect.
Watts se mide en amperímetro
Use 'bake' in the Present Simple Tense
Write a sentence in which the verb 'bake' uses this tense.
Definition: to make slight changes in something in order to make it fit or function better.
Linking verbs
This kind of verbs are meant to:
When you want to test whether a verb is an action or linking one, you have to replace it with a true linking verb and see if the sentence still makes sense.
'Seem' is always a linking verb, this is why it is called 'true'.
Definition: to appear; to give the impression.
Peso (N)
Se mide en bascula
Use 'seem' in the Future Perfect Tense
Type in a short sentence with 'seem' in the future perfect tense.
Masa (kg)
Se mide con basculas
Use 'seem' in the Future Simple Tense
Write a short sentence in which the verb 'seem' uses future simple.
Se mide con Dinamómetro
Use 'seem' in the Past Perfect Tense
Type in a short sentence in which the verb 'seem' uses past perfect.
Torque (N/m)
Se mide con Torquímetro
Use 'seem' in the Past Simple Tense
Write a short sentence in which the verb 'seem' uses this tense.
Velocidad (m/s)
Se mide con Anemómetro
Use 'seem' in the Present Perfect Tense
Type in a sentence in which the verb 'seem' uses this tense.
Densidad (D=m/v)
Se mide con densímetro
Use 'seem' in the Present Simple Tense
Write a sentence in which the verb 'seem' uses this tense.
'Become' is a 'true' linking verb.
Definition: to evolve into.
utilización efectiva en todo el espacio
Mínimo esfuerzo y seguridad de los trabajadores
Integra todos los factores que afectan la distribución