arabera Ermete Mariani 6 years ago
Honelako gehiago
EUSAIR is built on four thematic pillars
Sustainable tourism
Environmental quality (including Topic 1 - on marine environment)
Connecting the region (transport and energy networks)
Blue growth (including Topic 2 - on Fisheries and aquaculture)
Sea basin strategies to ensure tailor-made measures and to foster cooperation between countries
Provide knowledge, legal certainty and security in the blue economy: to improve access to information about the sea; maritime spatial planning to ensure an efficient and sustainable management of activities at sea
Develop sectors that have a high potential for sustainable jobs and growth, such as aquaculture (Fisheries website), coastal tourism, etc.
On 2017 January 2018, 12-week public internet consultation
On 26 October, open stakeholder workshop
On 5 April 2017, initial stakeholder workshop in Brussels
Action Plans designed for different levels of decision and MPA-related stakeholders (MPA-specific action plans to address the problem of Marine Litter
MPA climate change e-platform (enhancing functionalities of existing T-MedNet and IUCN Medmis) to transfer data to other MPAs.
Multiple stressor assessment model & spatial analysis (model of marine litter dynamics - accumulation areas): ML high resolution data and refined indicators (go a step beyond the Guidance on ML monitoring to promote the development of specific protocols on specific litter compartments) and share the mapping tool for upgraded management & monitoring plans.
MPA climate change e-platform (enhancing functionalities of existing T-MedNet and IUCN Medmis) to transfer data to other MPAs
Build on ACT4LITTER to share the preventive measures identified and the assessment/decision-making tool beyond the project's lifetime, and share the scaled-up transnational governance scheme. Promote up-scaling of assessment and integration into management & implementation
Development of a monitoring/assessment algorithm (ICT tool)
stakeholder workshops: planning exercise, in which the participants will build a possible MSP in the MPA, involving stakeholders from different maritime sectors.
management strategies linking conservation objectives and human activities
knowledge base monitoring tool (monitoring/spatial data to feed into GIS maps?)
Funding MSP cross-border projects: SIMWESTMED currently ongoing
Consider the parallel initiative at the Mediterranean level, Conceptual Framework for MSP under development in the framework of the Barcelona Convention
Needs expressed in SimWestMed: preliminary and shared assessment of case studies (fact sheets)? PANACeA could contribute to SimWestMed fact sheet case studies?
Technical support: The Assistance Mechanism for MSP was launched in 2016 to provide administrative and technical support to EU countries in implementing the MSP legislation. The project manages a website featuring information on existing MSP practices, processes and projects, a question and answer service, technical studies and a focal point service for EU countries.
2021: Deadline for the establishment of maritime spatial plans
2016: Deadline for transposition and designation of component authorities
2014: Adoption of the directive
White Paper?
The idea of a global plastic convention is now being promoted within the UNEP framework.
Common protocol on ML monitoring in MPAs? Check for possibility of some exchange between Act4Litter and MedSeaLitter to test the potential to combine monitoring protocols ?
6th International Marine Debris Conference (6IMDC) 12-16 March 2018 San Diego
Multiple stressor assessment model & spatial analysis (model of marine litter dynamics - accumulation areas): ML high resolution data and refined indicators (go a step beyond the Guidance on ML monitoring to promote the development of specific protocols on specific litter compartments) and share the mapping tool for upgraded management & monitoring plans.
MedSeaLitter protocols (efficient - easy to apply and cost effective) to protect biodiversity from litter impact at basin and local MPAs scale to foster the harmonised monitoring of floating litter.
Testing standardised protocols for monitoring marine litter in MPAs and large marine areas.
Protocols to monitor marine litter impact on biodiversity in MPAs & large pilot areas on two scales: 1/floating (macro) and 2/ ingestion (micro)
Additional work is needed in order to ensure that Member States (MSs) collect the necessary data to assess progress towards good environmental status and targets. MSs are expected to report on these in 2018, especially for those descriptors where progress has not been sufficient, such as D10.
2016-2019 Work Programme of the MSFD Technical Group on Marine Litter
Riverine Litter
Top Litter items
Litter categories
International (beyond EU) collaboration
Programmes of Measures
Data management
Monitoring harmonisation (including data quality)
Litter baselines
Overview of research projects and progress
EU Technical Group plans to review its guidelines for monitoring marine litter.
Lack of data to assess progress towards GES and targets - Specially since the latest 2017 decision on GES
Issues that require the coordination of different sectors and actors, e.g. marine data & knowledge, maritime spatial planning...
Issues that do not fall under a single sector-based policy, e.g. "blue growth" (economic growth based on different maritime sectors).
GIS database on Posidonia, dunes , tourism and Natura 2000 sites
WETNET Guidance Manual for Wetland multi-level governance
Multiple stressor assessment model & spatial analysis (model of marine litter dynamics - accumulation areas): ML high-resolution data and refined indicators (go a step beyond the Guidance on ML monitoring to promote the development of specific protocols on specific litter compartments) and share the mapping tool for upgraded management & monitoring plans.
Biodiversity Information System for Europe (BISE)
PANACeA Biodiversity Platform?
Use maps to identify hotspots for biodiversity protection, i.e. marine litter/PAs/new hotspots
Testing in five pilot sites
Multiple stressor assessment model & spatial analysis (model of marine litter dynamics - accumulation areas): ML high-resolution data and refined indicators (go a step beyond the Guidance on ML monitoring to promote the development of specific protocols on specific litter compartments) and share the mapping tool for upgraded management & monitoring plans
Water monitoring implementation manual
European operational concept on transnational water monitoring
Development and implementation of short-term and long-term monitoring solutions
Focus on visualisation tools for the data base (spatial geoportal?)
MPAs climate change e-platform (enhancing functionalities of existing T-MedNet and IUCN Medmis) to transfer data to other MPAs
MSFD Descriptor 10
Share the preventive measures identified, the assessment/decision-making tool and promote up-scaling of assessment and integration into management & implementation
Development of an algorithm (assessment/decision-making tool )
Development of Specific Action Plans designed for different decision levels and MPA-related stakeholders
Focus on visualisation tools for the database (spatial geoportal?)
MPAs climate change e-platform (enhanching functionalities of existing T-MedNat and IUCN Medmis) to transfer data to other MPAs
Regional framework plan for long-term climate change impact monitoring in MPAs
Water Framework Directive, Ramsar Convention
MEDBlueIslands could ally to contribute to marine litter info on land sources
ACT4LITTER Management Plans might include measures related to Responsible Consumption and Production and the EU Plastics Strategy
Contribution to the MTR with the results of ACT4Litter mainly by highlighting the measures identified. Decide on the best tool to use to develop that (informative video? Infographics?...)
Help participating Mediterranean countries reach their targets (Greece)
CBD E-learning platform on Protected Areas
Modules were developed by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the International Union for Conservation of Nature - World Commission on Protected Areas (IUCN-WCPA), and The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Step 7: Develop and review relevant action plans and programmes
Step 6: Review existing monitoring programmes for ongoing assessment and regular updating of targets
Currently Underway
Develop and review relevant action plans and programmes
Review existing monitoring programmes for ongoing assessment and regular updating of targets
Step 5: Derive operational objectives with indicators and target levels
Step 4: Develop a set of ecological objectives corresponding to the Vision and strategic goals
Eleven ecological objectives and 28 corresponding operational objectives and 61 indicators ensuring full synergy with the EU MSFD work
10. Marine and coastal litter does not adversely affect coastal and marine ecosystems
MedSeaLitter protocols (efficient - easy to apply and cost effective) to protect biodiversity from litter impact at basin and local MPAs scale to foster harmonised monitoring of floating litter
9. Contaminants cause no significant impact on coastal and marine ecosystems and human health
8. The natural dynamics of coastal areas are maintained and coastal ecosystems and landscapes are preserved
GIS database on Posidonia, dunes, tourism and Natura 2000 sites
Guidelines for sustainable beach and stranded seagrass management
Best practices for enhancing the conservation effectiveness of MPAs hosting seagrass ecosystems, beach & dune habitats
Strategy for joint management of Posidonia for Mediterranean beaches & dunes
Transfer international good practices on wetland management
Framework of best practices in improved wetlands management
Guidance Manual for Wetland multi-level governance
1. Biodiversity is maintained or enhanced
Step 3: Identify important ecosystem properties and assess ecological status and pressures
Step 2: Set common Mediterranean strategic goals
Step 1: Define an Ecological Vision for the Mediterranean
2nd cycle of the EcAp RoadMap : 2016 - 2021 2016-2019 marks the initial phase (in line with Decision IG. 21/3 ), during which the existing national monitoring and assessment programmes will be reviewed and revised based on the agreed common indicators (=so that national implementation of IMAP can be fulfilled in a sufficient manner)
Main outputs during the initial phase of IMAP
Development of national level integrated monitoring and assessment programmes
Refinement of assessment criteria
Update of GES definitions
11 ecological objectives and corresponding 28 operational objectives and 61 indicators ensuring full synergy with the EU MSFD
Ecosystem Approach is the guiding principle to MAP Programme of Work and all policy implementation and development undertaken under the auspices of UNEP/MAP Barcelona Convention, with the ultimate objective of achieving the Good Environmental Status (GES) of the Mediterranean Sea and Coast.
Build on ACT4LITTER to share the preventive measures identified and the assessment/decision-making tool beyond the project's lifetime, and share the scaled-up transnational governance scheme. Promote up-scaling of assessment and integration into management & implementation - in line with MSFD TSML
Development of an algorithm (ICT tool)
Transnational Joint Governance plan to improve coordination to address the problem of Marine Litter in Mediterranean MPAs
Action Plans designed for different levels of decision and MPA-related stakeholders (MPA-specific action plans to address the problem of Marine Litter)
Five pilot sites
Oceanographic data & indicators for MPAs & GIS maps
Roadmap for scenario analysis of management alternatives
Multiple stressor assessment model & spatial analysis (model of marine litter dynamics - accumulation areas): ML high resolution data and refined indicators (go a step beyond the Guidance on ML monitoring to promote the development of specific protocols on specific litter compartments) and share the mapping tool for upgraded management & monitoring plans
Geospatial management tools (spatial geoportal)
Guidelines for drafting a standard management plan
Transfer best practices across MPAs & at transnational scale
Workshops on transferring protocols to Med MPAs
International conference on marine litter
General guidelines for marine litter monitoring in MPAs & large pilot areas
Testing standardised protocols for monitoring marine litter in MPAs and large marine areas
Protocols to monitor marine litter impact on biodiversity in MPAs & large pilot areas on two scales
Ingestion (micro)
Floating (macro)
need to strive for monitoring & science-based prevention & reduction/management measures
need to develop, implement and coordinate ML management & reduction measures
Compare and integrate genomics, fishery biology data and experience-based knowledge to assess fishery resources status and support their management
Toolkit (Strategic Options and strategic paths) for the sustainable management of marine ecosystems. Build bottom-up participatory approach for evolutionary-based fisheries management (three workshops)
Small-scale fisheries governance toolkit for comanagement with representatives of MPAs with representatives of Small-Scale Fisheries
Mediterranean sustainable development Dashboard (Ref indicators for biodiversity status assessment)