arabera Alba de Miguel 2 years ago
Honelako gehiago
What's your essay about?
Type in the title of your essay.
-bakarra -oso lodia -luzea -muturrean adarkatua -nerbio-korrontea gorputz zelularretik jaso --> igorri
-laburrak -oso adarkatuak - nerbio-kinada jaso eta gorputz zelularreraino eraman
Work on the structure of your essay.
Conclude by refining the key concepts of your thesis.
Summarize your essay by restating the main ideas of your thesis and body paragraphs.
Type them in.
Develop the ideas presented in the introduction.
Type in a one-line sentence to describe the second body paragraph.
Type in a one-line sentence to describe the first body paragraph.
Create a catchy introductory paragraph.
Take into consideration the interests of your audience.
Provide details on the subject.
Write a couple of sentences that provide details on the subject you will address in the body of your essay.
Write an engaging first sentence.
Did you discover any interesting anecdotes, quotes, or trivial facts while researching your topic? Use them to write your sentence.
Analyze another essay written on this topic
Find at least one example and see whether it is well written or not.
globulu zuriak
globulu gorriak
Belarri-hegaleko kartilagoak.
Trakeako kartilagoak.
Sudurreko kartilagoak.
What claims do(es) the author(s) make?
Type them in.
Type in the title and the author(s)
of the essay which you're going to analyze.
Research your topic
Write down the sources you will base your essay on.
List second-hand information :
comments, interpretations, or discussions regarding the original material, etc.
exokrinoen eta endokrinoen funtzioaK betetzen ditu.
Jariakinak odolera isuratu.
What secondary source(s) will you take into account for your research?
Type in your source(s)
Add hyperlinks to your source(s).
Kanpoaldera edo gorputz barrualdeetara jariatzen dute.
List first-hand information :
lurrazalaren kanpoko geruza hainbat zelula geruzaz osatuta dago baina zelula horiek hilda daude.
estaltzen dute
bihotzaren barnealdea
odol - hodien barnealdea
What primary source(s) will you take into account for your research?
Type it (them) in.
estaltzen dituzte
arnas - bideak
aho - barrunbea