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Ansoff Matrix Template

Ansoff Matrix Template

Ansoff's matrix is an established tool for identifying and selecting growth strategies. You can use this tool to screen growth options and issues highlighted in a SWOT analysis.

Keywords: business analysis, market penetration, marketing development, product development, diversification, Ansoff's matrix

Ansoff Matrix Template

Ansoff’s strategy opportunity matrix

Use this Ansoff’s strategy opportunity matrix template to find growth strategies and opportunities for your company.

You will have to complete four sections for the four strategies. Add for and against indicators and ideas of actions for each of them.

Product development

Product development strategies are used for developing new products in existing markets.

1. Diversification

Diversification strategy is used for growth with new products entering new markets.

2. Market development

Market development strategies are used for growth with existing products in new markets.

3. Market penetration

Market penetration strategies are used for growth with existing products in existing markets.

Where to next?

Where to next?

Using Ansoff's Matrix to clarify and prioritize your growth strategies puts you in a better position to choose what actions to take. You can use this map to communicate the thinking behind your strategy and to help plan out your course of action.

Once you finished filling out the template, you can Print this mind map or Download it as PDF, Word, etc.

Ansoff's Matrix

Enter your organization name

Begin by typing in your organization's name, and pressing Enter.

Market development

Market development strategies aim for growth with existing products in new markets.

Add an action that you can take towards a Market development strategy.

Think about:

Add an indicator that a Market development strategy may not be appropriate.

Typical negative indicators can include:

Add an indicator that a Market development strategy could be appropriate.

Typical indicators include:

Market penetration

Market penetration

Market penetration strategies aim for growth with existing products in existing markets.

Add an action you can take towards a Market penetration strategy.

Think about:

Add an indicator that a Market penetration strategy may not be appropriate.

Typical negative indicators can include:

Add an indicator that a Market penetration strategy could be appropriate.

Typical indicators include:


Diversification strategies aim for growth with new products in new markets.

In general, the indicators for and against diversification strategies are a combination of indicators for both market development and product development strategies.

Add an action that you can take towards a Diversification strategy.

Think about:

Add an indicator that a Diversification strategy may not be appropriate.

Typical negative indicators can include:

Add an indicator that a Diversification strategy could be appropriate.

Typical indicators include:

Product development

Product development strategies

Product development strategies aim for growth through the development of new products in existing markets.


Add an action you can take towards a Product development strategy. Think about:

Indicator against

Add an indicator that a Product development strategy may not be appropriate.

Typical negative indicators can include:

Indicator for

Add an indicator that a Product development strategy could be appropriate.

Typical indicators include:

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Mindomoren negozio- edo hezkuntza-kontuetako buru-mapen txantiloietatik aukera dezakezu, edo zure buru-mapa txantiloiak sor ditzakezu hutsetik. Edozein buru-mapa adimen-mapa txantiloi-mapa bihur daiteke bere gaietako bati gida-ohar gehiago gehituz.