jonka Ayanna Nelson 12 vuotta sitten
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Derby occurs in the month of May; its when people come to ChurchHill Downs to see the horses compete in a very special race. But, Derby isnt the only day you can come to see the horses; they race about everyday and you can bet money on them to win.
Lightup Louisville occurs on the night of Black Friday; people come to downtime Louisville to celebrate Christmas by looking at the big, beautiful Christmas tree and lights as all of downtown is decorated in Christmas theme.
The absolute important person on high in my life would have to be Jesus Christ because as you know, my religion is Christianity; he's the person that guides the way for me and is the above all the people in my life.
The most important people in my life is my family because they are loving and caring and show me the right way to go. They are people I look up to all the time and I could never let them go. But the one person that influences me most out of my family would be my mom because shes they are for 24/7 and I love her for that.
My personality is just all over the place. I'm funny, crazy, random, smart, nice, quick learner; I'm a really good person to hang around. I don't think there will ever be another girl out there like me. She may look like me and have the same name, but never the same personality. I feel that im very special and can never be copied; I am an original work of art.
I sincerely have a close family at my school because some of the kids ive known since elementary school and middle school; I have alot of sisters and brothers and I know they will always be there for me and I could never forget them. Like they say, once a bear always a bear; once a family, always a family.
The school I go to is Butler Tradtional High School and I've been wanting to go here since I was in Elementary school. This school has been everything I ever wanted in education. The teachers and staff help me out with so much. I could never go to a better school.
My grades in high school has actually changed because in middle school i was getting A's & B's and honor role. But then when i got my first C+ in science I was so shocked and my grades have been going up and down and its been a struggle for me. But, I'm still trying my hardest in school and will never give up.
This another thing i greatly value, my health. Everybody wants their body to be healthy and act the way its supposed to be. My health is very important to me because if I want to live, I would treat it right. Actually I think everyone values their health.
One thing that I value alot is what every other teenager values as well, my cell phone. I value this because its something I take care of us and us every single day. If I every drop or lose my phone I go crazy because I don't want anything bad to happen to it.
When I'm doing absolutely nothing, I either find someone to text or I get on my iPod and listen to music and play games. I have alot of eletronics in my room so I'm pretty sure I'm going to find something to do. Actually I'm rarely bored because I usually find something to do or I'll just act goofy in my room.
On my weekends, I usually have practices till like 3 in the afternoon. At my church, I sing in the choir and im on the dance team; so, I have choir practice and usually dance practice every Saturday. I'm at church till like 4 o' clock. After im done with that, I go to the mall or somewhere fun with my sister and my friends. But sometimes, we get our church friends and dance!
My name is Ayanna Nelson, im a 15 year-old girl who has a plan to suceed in life and who has dreams but is willing to wake up and chase them.
My goals in life is when i graduate high school I'm going to college and get my degree in fashion and business and mangement. When I get out of college, im going to own my own boutique which im going to name "Simple Fabulous".
My family beliefs are we believe in God and we are Christians. My grandma is baptist but my mom switched over to being a Christian and thats where my beliefs came from.