Educators increasingly utilize online quizzes to engage students and enhance learning experiences. Professional development and inclusive technologies are focal points, with discussions on balancing teacher-centered and student-centered approaches.
Beliefs, Teacher centredstudent-
Behaviourist – Knowledge exists external to the child Vs Constructivist- children construct their own
Teacher centred approaches Vs student centred approaches
Teaching requires the transformation of content in ways that make it intellectually accessible to students
Conceptualising the role of
ICT and effective integration
The majority of students have thier own laptops/Ipads
At the technology department students can make, and program robots that can follow a pattern pathway to follow
Teachers use a lot of Pecha Kucha slides, less words and more visuals
Teachers use a lot of online quizes to engage all students
ICT tools are used effectively to enhance students’ learning, to advance partnership with the parents, and to keep records/ students’ history
Online platforms for marking the students that are in or absents; an automatic messgaes is sent to the parents is the students is absent.
One school
One note
Digital Sign in/out
Digital Games- Supplement, Enrich
and Transform
Content specific or Content free
that knowledge is uncertain and
based on the weight of accumulated evidence
most knowledge as tentative and contextual
and generated by the self;
multiple views but still believe that most knowledge
is certain
right-or-wrong knowledge handed down by authority
Epistemic beliefs
ICT can be use as a supplement to reinforce skills
Role of the Thechnologies
I believe that children learn………
Theory -> Pedagogy-> choice of ICT tool
Learning Theories +TPACK…..tell
me the relationship
children construct reality from their perceptions;
construct their own knowledge
Pedagogy: Project based learning
Software that mediates learning: spreadsheets, content-free,
Educreation/ShowMe App/
Behaviourist -
knowledge exists external to the child and could be
transmitted and received
Pedagogy: direct instruction
Software: tutorial programs - Mathletics
Key skills in this category: planning, self-reflecting, self-regulation, motivation, perseverance, evaluation
when studying includes planning, monitoring and evaluating your efforts, regularly assessing and adjusting your methods and the understanding being gained (or not gained). No search results.
is thinking about thinking and learning processes
Signing instead of speaking
Understanding what the curriculum is wanting the student to know/do
Specialised equipment (e.g. keyboard, rather than handwriting)
Digital reader to communicate a text where reading is not the skill being assessed
Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments
Computer simulation instead of lab work
Assistance with the interpretation and comprehension of assessment items not designed to assess those language skills
Technology for Inclusive Education
Lecture bites = quiz
W5: Professional Learning
W4: Inclusive Technologies- guest speaker
W2: Teacher-centred vs Student centred
W3: Software Types- why/when
Powerful ICT Pedagogy for the classroom: How to use ICT for teaching? – How students should use ICT for their learning
Courses in digital technologies
Ensuring that curriculum, learning and pedagogical model response and meet these changes
- Growth mindset
- Equip every to be creative, connected and engaged learner in rapidly changed world
What’s Gorski’s direction with ICT:
Assessment 3
IMPACT framework
Create a representation of new knowledge, reflect on
what know
Engage with experts, student to student and beyond
Look for relationship, compare/contrast, visible thinking
repeat, stepped process, drafting
Explicit instruction, demonstrate concept
Motivate and emotionally connect learners to content and
each other
Educational Technologies for Teaching& Learning
What teacher believe has relationship with the pedagogy and what tools will use technology interegate
What pedagogy? ICT tools:
Student directed learning; when students are encouraged to create their own learning, working in pairs, collaborate to research and collect information/data
constructivist: 1_children construct reality from their perceptions; contract their own knowledge. 2_sodtware that mediates learning: spreadsheets, show Me app. 3_pedagogy: big projects big questions, investigation.
Teacher directed learning; tell students or ask students to look for facts
Behaviourist cognitivist:1 _ Knowledge exist external to the child and could be transmitted and received. 2_ software is tutorial programs. 3_ pedagogy is direct instructions
Learning Theories
Use the ICT to rise awareness about the Cyberbullying
Dolly case; the girl who took her own life due to cyberbullying
Communicate; using ICT tools students are encouraged to make a Power Point Presentation in order to communicate and outline Cyberbullying's issues and some suggested solutions
Create; using ICT tools, create a poster to raise awarenes about Cyberbulling
Investigate; using ICT tools (online survey)to investagate the Dolly case within the school ground.
How the technology support your good teaching. it is not about the whole content but it is about how you deliver the content (Pedagogy)
Technology: tools/ platforms/ software
pedagogy: strategies/ methodes
TPACK: 1 PCK; How do the chosen teaching strategies allow students to meet the skill and content objectives? 2 TPK : is this best technological tool for the chosen teaching strategy? why or why not. 3 TCK: how is the subject matter better illuminated by the use of this effective tool to tech the content and skills.
Content: concepts/skills
the ICT tool, the content and the pedagogy to enhance student