Khalid, a Grade 3 ELL student originally from Somalia, has been in Canada since 2019 and speaks Amharic at home. He meets weekly with an MLL itinerant teacher to enhance his English proficiency.
Enjoys using a Chromebook and is comfortable
with using technology to support his learning.
Enjoys working with others and
initiates social interaction.
Good work ethic and has positive attitude towards learning.
Stage 3 - Oral Communication
Stage 2 - Writing
Stage 2 - Reading
(Supporting English Language Learners in Grades 1 to 8 - Appendix p. 100).
This student also has a sibling in
grade 6 who similarly is a strong
oral communicator, but is working
on reading and writing.
- Born in Somalia
- Arrived in Canada in 2019 (migrant)
- Language spoken at home is Amharic
Student meets weekly with an MLL itinerant teacher for to have dedicated time to work on English skills.
Methods to help student improve their English proficiency from the Supporting English Language Learners in Grades 1 to 8 (2008) document.
Accommodated assessment strategies
Additional instructional strategies and
one-on-one instructions
Use a variety of resources such as
visual and technological aids
- ESL programming is recommended to help the student continue to grow their fluency skills.
- Although the student has been attending school in Canada upon arriving in 2019, they are still working on improving reading and writing skills.