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The period between the 1st and 2nd centuries BC is called the High Empire. During this period, rome was consolidated as a great power. Its territory was organized into administrative provinces. There were two types of provinces:
·Senatorial provinces. Under the authority of the senate and their governors were known as proconsuls. ·Imperials provinces. In the 3rd century AD, the period of the Lower empire began. Rome experienced a deep crisis which led to its disappearance in ad 476.
Octavian Augusts, mark Antony and Lepidus formed a new triumvirate after the death of Julius Caesar. A war started between them that ended in 27bc with the victory of Octavian Augusts.
This proclamation marked a new period in the history of rome: the empire. It lasted until 476 AD. ·Imperator ·Princeps ·Augustus ·Pontifex Maximus
·The senate. It was formed by 300 patricians. ·The magistrates. They were elected annually by the assemblies. Some of the most important were the consuls. Tribune of the plebians. Roman Republic was the Law of the Twelve Tables, from 451 BC
The Etruscan had significant cultural influence on Rome.
·That trade was negatively affected. ·Society became more rural. ·Taxes were increased to finance the military which led to social unrest. The power of the emperor became very weak during the 4th century AD. This is reflected in the end of the imperial cult, related to the success of the Christian religion. ·Edict of Milan (in AD 313). ·Roman Empire through the Edict of Thessalonica.
1 Conquest of Italy: Rome conquest the Italy around 270 BC. 2 First Punic War (264-241 BC). 3 Second Punic War (218-201 BC): The defeat of Hannibal, Rome conquest Hispania. 4 Third Punic War (146 BC): Carthage was conquered. 5 In the 2nd century BC, Rome controls the western Mediterranean by defeating the Hellenistic kingdoms. 6 From the 1st century BC, Rome controlled all the Iberian Peninsula, the south of Great Britain and parts of Central Europe. 7 In the 2nd century AD, Emperor Trajan expanded the Empire to its maximum extent, adding territories in Asia and Dacia.
1 The legion carried the banner, which was is Symbol. 2 The carried weapons such as spears of javelins and long or short words, known as a gladius. 3 They wore leather or metal cuirass which adapted to the body. 4 The officer´s helmet was decorated to make him easier to see in battle. 5 The shape and size of the Shield, or scutum, meant they could be put together to protect the group.