Catégories : Tous - battle - autonomy - canada - strategy

par Nicholas Emeny Il y a 4 années


Canada establishes themselves as a country.

Canada establishes themselves as a country.

-This is great as it gave the government power and security. -This security was good as it showed that they have power and made Canada's name be more known as a country with rules and acts.

-The Treaty of Versailles is significant to Canadian Identity because it shows that Canada wanted to be recognized for their actions. -The Canadians would not go to the event without representing itself. - This showed Canada is independent and can take care of itself.

- this was a important part of Canadian history because it was the first time Canada got some sort of seat in the table. - This isn't normal as most of the time Canada was under Brtitian and was just known as Britian but instead Canada was independent for the first time.

- Canada and Brtitan at the time where still tied so anything britian did so did Canada. -This was great as it gave Canada the oppurunity to fight along side a great nation and impress and really become their own nation.

-was an alliance between Britian, France, Russia. -This was major as Brtitian was with Canada making them have an allie - This was key as Canada was able to show to others they can fight and they can be relible along side each other.

-The battle showed that Canada could lead as a country and fight through different condtions as it was very rainy and muddy. - This showed Arthur Currie a Canadian was right and Canada was elite as Arthur knew it would be a blood bath and said they should do the Canadian strategy from Vimy ridge -This was major as it was a bad battle where no one got any gain and it showed Canada knew good strategies that should have been used.

- This battle is probably the most famous battles of both wolrd war's. -it was lead by Arthur Currie and his tactics and great use of preparation. -Canada lead the whole battle and had all 4 of there unit's. -this was a major win and helped the allies in WWI and really made the Canadian tropps have confidence in themselves.

This was also another brave battle that Canada is also know as being one of the key reasons it was won. - This again made it even more known Canada is a strong force and is not afraid to be the leader. -Canada lost 24,000 soldiers that day.

-This was important battle for Canada as they took the lead and held up the enemy till the reinforcements came. -More then 6500 Canadians where lost in this battle. - First major war Canada had fought in. - Showed how brave Canada was by being first and pushing through the gas attacks.

Brtitian and Canada

Treaty of Versailles

Triple entente

canadian war measures act

league of nations

Floating topic

Battle of Passhchendaele

Battle of vimmy ridge

battle of somme

Battle of Ypres

- was the first all black unit with white commanders in the Canadian army. - This was important as this shaped the setting for everyone have equal rights and everyone should be able to serve not based on their skin colour. - They helped the war by building roads and railroads as well carried the wounded.

- He was the most famous Canadian pilot in WWI -He made Canada's air force be known as elite. -He had to most kills as any pilot with 72. -He truly made Canada itself known as a very well trained group and made France and Brtian trust them more.

-Arthur was a rookie and very underrated and many people did not think he would be a good commander. - He was very good at preapring his soldiers by doing moc battles giving them advantges. - He had a good tactic called the "creeping barrage" that worked on many battles. -Helped Canada win Vimy ridge, passhendale and somme.

- he was a big help in the war effort while managing to solve political problems at home. -Borden used the scale and importance of Canada’s growing war effort to greater national autonomy within the Empire. - Was the reason the Canadian war measures act was made in 1914 -Borden was also a big part in getting seats at the league of nations.

Sir Arthur Currie

NO.2 construction battalion

Billy Bishop

Robert Borden

Canada establishes themselves as a country.


important people and groups

Important treaties

Important battles