Catégories : Tous - innovation - obsolescence - solution - technology

par Aitana GCG Il y a 18 jours


Stages of proyect approach

The approach to project development involves several stages, starting with the identification of the problem and the analysis of potential solutions. This process includes gathering and studying relevant information to make an informed choice about the best solution.

Stages of proyect approach

Stages of proyect approach


Build, assemble and finish the parts of the object
process sheet

Used to record the progress of the stages of our work eaxh day


How the work went
Enviromental impact
total cost
Final drawing of the solution
List of modifications
Description of the prototype build

Sales cycle

Promotes the product by television, newspaper and digital media to make people buy it.

Allows products to be sold through private stores, saving the distributor store network costs

Online sale

The product is distributed through websites, apps, etc.

Retail sale

The product is supplied directly to the consumer


Product is supplied to retailers and large consumers

It variates depending on the money you spend in the product and what you charge for your work


Prepare and plan
Do drawings and diagrams of the solution
It defines all the features of the solution, the cost and distribution of it


Is the document we use to evaluate the cost of our solution

List of materials and tools

list all the materials we are needing for the proyect.


shows how the proyect is going to look like


types of analysis

Possible reasons why the object emerged and its historical development


How our senses react to the object.


study the object from different points of view


Analyse the cost of manufacturing the product and selling price


Evaluate how the object was made


Studies how the object works


Analyse the shape, size, color and phisical characteristics of an object.

Choose the solution
Choose the best solution based on the criteria
Search for possible solutions
Think of different options, objects or products that can solve the problem
Information and research
We collate, study and select the information to solve the problem
detect the problem-
What do we need? What problem do we have?

Sustainable technology

influence of technological development

Increased the use of fossil fuels, traffic jams, , health problems, etc. It builts lots of waste that is not biodegradable.


We can be independent to the weather, able to settle in one place, people can communicate with each other and life expectancy has increased.

Planned obsolescense
Products stops working after a time because they have been designed to stop working after that period.
Some products have fallen into disuse because they don´t have the functionality of the new technologies.
is a modification made to a product to adapt it to new conditions.