a Omashani Naidoo 6 éve
Louis Lucas MM for Ebook
Integrating technology in education significantly enhances the learning experience, particularly in subjects like mathematics. Effective teaching in the digital age requires educators to be knowledgeable in neuroscience, adaptable to new technologies, and considerate of diverse learner needs.
How can we use technology to enhance learning? Teaching and Learning
using Technology Multimedia learning Teacher tools https://www.gatesnotes.com/Education/Breakthrough-Tools-for-Teachers Connecting and Sharing https://www.edmodo.com/ Useful Math Apps https://www.thetechedvocate.org/11-best-math-apps-high-school-students/ https://www.thetechedvocate.org/15-best-math-apps-elementary-school-students/ Collaboration tools https://www.thetechedvocate.org/7-must-student-collaboration-apps-tools-resources/ Gaming and Gamification http://www.fisme.science.uu.nl/publicaties/subsets/rekenweb_en/ Video-based learning Paper Video Mathematics Investigation Geogebra Demonstration The Geometer's Sketchpad KEY ATTRIBUTES OF SUCCESSFUL TEACHERS IN THE DIGITAL AGE Resilient Concerned with edtech interoperability Meet the needs of all learners Use the curriculum responsibly Learn new tech from a student’s perspective first Well versed in neuroscience Not afraid of technology Don’t use expensive textbooks Affordances of ICT Differentiated learning Personalised activities Metacognition Habits of mind Collaboration Intelligence Social networking Recursive feedback Digital Socratic dialogical spaces Multi-modal meaning Expanded tools for knowledge representation Active knowledge making Producing knowledge more powerful than knowledge consuming Ubiquitous Learning Anywhere-Anytime Cognitive domains
Mathematics Justify Generalize Draw conclusions Evaluate Integrate Analyse Applying Implement Represent Determine Knowing Retrieve Compute Measure Classify Recognize Recall Best practices from around the world Finland OECD - Strong Performers
and Successful Reformers in Education Maths class
needs a makeover Teaching kids real math with computers The Role of Technology
in Math Education Dan Finkel Singapoer Learning Design Assessment
Strategies Feedback type Peer assessment Self assessment Reflective Formative Summative Pre-assessmnet How? Software to use Technology to use Methodology Why? Future use Context Purpose What? Reasoning Skills Content Learning Theories Connectivism Humanism Constructivism Cognitivism Behaviourism