Categorie: Tutti - feedback - planning - content - events

da clement brun mancano 18 anni



A new digital platform offers a variety of tools for enhancing remote connectivity and community engagement. It enables seamless videoconferencing and easy organization of meetings within geographically dispersed communities.


Angoulême 2.0

2.0 for everybody

"Reduce the numerical fracture to reduce social fracture"

It's important to note that there are a label and a chart call "Netublic". There were created in order to promote this type of process.

Netpublic chart :

- increases visibility thanks to this label

- legal assistance in ligne

- privileges prices on softwares, hardwares and services (Adobe, Microsoft, Monster, Apple, Sun Microsystems, HP,...)

- a formation adapted for organizers (animaters)

- the implementation and the delivery of passport Internet and Multi-media (PIM). Which prove that you know how to use internet and multimedia. But I don't know if there is a Web 2.0 education. It can be a new experience for Netpublic to develop this new formation with Angoulême if it doesn't exist.

Fourth step : LINKS (to exchange)
Escape to your stigma, create new social links

It's easy to create a new identity, a virtual identity which allows you to create new contact, new links, new communication, new exchange. It's also a new way of communication which is often loosed. Web 2.0 will give the feeling of membership again.

Web 2.0 can create communities between people who live the same difficulties.

Web 2.0 can create links between these communities and those which know better situation (forum of debate, politic, education, religion...)

Web 2.0 can concentrate information about what is written about social fracture in order to inform people.

Web 2.0 can create link with family which know difficulties to communicate. Web 2.0 gives them a new way.

Web 2.0 allows you to leaves your borrow, your mark. Html is not needed.

Democratic principle

Internet network will draw all its potential from the human network formed by its users. This human network must take part in the development of its contents.

Web 2.0 is an attitude, a philosophy of social opening which goal is to give up individual control on the things with the profit of the participation of the greatest number.

a world where each one reaches public word; a world in which exchange without obstacle of ideas (and values) creates comprehension between men; in which information, people, communities, are auto-organized to solve alone all kinds of problems.

Web 2.0 speaks about the people, when the Web goes down to them.


Another way of taking part in this area is to become voluntary.

Web 2.0 can create links between this kind of people and the EPN, moreover it can centralized all demands which coming from EPN needs.

Accompaniment of marginalized people

For example what is done in different EPN in Paris :

- "Access-site" is a numerical space dedicated to the handicapped people engine and sensory.

- "Social Centre Belleville" and "Espaces libre", the actions are centred on the knowledge of the free software. There are free software of office (equivalent OpenOffice of ms Office), of image processing (The Gimp equivalent of Photoshop)...

- Lorem, you will be able to take courses of computer graphics (Photoshop, Illustrator...)

- etc...

Web 2.0 can create a press review of the different links which exist to involve skills.

People in the need

Create a label which gives award to the best projects is a good idea, as it's done in Paris with the "Label PARVI" in popular districts.

Under Council of Paris decision, a call of projects was launched in 2004: it rewarded 7 projects aiming at democratizing the use of Internet and the multi-media one. It can be possible to do the same with web 2.0.


The most important is to allow them to have access to Internet. In second part, the ENT in schools have to teach them ethic and principles of good uses of Internet. And teach them the existence of web 2.0.

Web 2.0 can give them tutorial or other possibilities to learn how to use software.

It is not rare that young people teach to the oldest people data processing and in exchange these people help the children to make their homework for example.

Second step : A CONNEXION

In France, we have one of the most competitive offer on this market. There is no country where it's also not very expensive. It will be very difficult to try to decrease these prices. And for marginalized people, this cost is not a need! So collective solutions are the best. But what exists?


Social centres

There is already a model of this kind of space, it's called numeric public space EPN (Espace public numérique) . A EPN is a place of sensitizing and formation to data processing, with Internet... Many activities are proposed on a purely free basis or a very weak cost. A EPN consists of one or more rooms, comprising 5 to 12 PC connected to the Internet. Peripherals are available like printers, video cameras or numerical camera. Each EPN is animated by an independent association which has an identity and a clean operation.

Web 2.0 can create links between association in order to direct people to the good space.

School support, French courses for adults.... For example, moms learn how to overcome their "fear" of data processing by updating their file of allocate CAF (Caisse d'allocations familiales : case of family benefits).


The ministry of national education, of higher education and research (MENESR) have followed for two years an active policy of development of services on line in the school establishments (primary and secondary), through gates of services personalized called numerical spaces of work ENT (Espace Numérique de Travail). The MENESR produced a directing diagram of ENT (SDET) giving a functional and technical framework to the implementation of such projects.

Moreover it's sure that it's very important to develop a web 2.0 culture in education, but oriented on technique because creativity is may be the most important at school.

More informations

To have a costing of generalization of these devices (ENT) as of the potential economies which could be of this fact restored with the school establishments go to see the Accenture study on :


Cyber space

Go to see notes on "2.0 for everybody" about Netpublic.

Angoulême can take an innovating place in participating to this program and it can be a reference for people if they see this label on cyber spaces. Web 2.0 must take a important place in Netpublic. For private cyber space it's a quality guarantee.

First step : A COMPUTER
Network of recycling old computer

Today, many companies give their old computers to associations (not to private people). A network should be managed by town all.

Web 2.0 can create links between companies and associations in order to provide old computers. It works already without the Web 2.0 simplifications.

Moreover, Private families can joint this network when they separate from their old computers. Angoulême is a social city!

Jobs 2.0

« net advantage » to attract new citizens
Promote the town and its innovative policy

Organize european meetings

Advertise on the web

Marketing of the situation and lifestyle

To make jointly liable in the comAGA

Develop the network through the comAGA

Develop some pole of competences

To innovate and even to become the French region leader of Internet in the Web 2.0.

Continue the development of new IT schools in order to settle young native people there(ex: Image Magelis)

Create new IT firms with the help of incub units

Create new community tools for people

Department administration under Web 2.0 ( ex:Innovate Election Internet Device)

Manage to involve all the people in this new way

Create a National Institut of Internet Technologies

To arrange a new system of taxations for teleworkers

Adapt incomes

Create a special status for investors in such a company

An European Harmonizalition?

Create jobs by using the potential of teleworking
Inform people

About web applications and developments

Set up specific training courses for web applications

About possibilities of teleworking

Set up specific training courses

Create intelligent network

With companies

With universities

Inform companies about the inovation in Angouleme with the fiber

Create business parks around web 2.0 or internet technologies

Inform companies about the possibilities of teleworking

Create telespaces


organize advertisement

this kind of content is maintained like a graphical wiki.


Graphical arts: design & pictural works


Hence a rich content: videos

every community assumes its own advertisement

to act as a member of the "vitrine technologique" of Angoulême

to report on its activities

to recruit new members

organized around shared values

friends circles

contact info: MSN, Skype, MAIL, phone, cell...

calendar oriented systems.

I can pop invitation to friends who can choose to accept or refuse, their decision modifies their calendars and mine.

news ressources

What is happening to John right now?

- John can blog easily and content can be

redistributed on his friends portals.

online chat

ranking systems on movies/books/music/...

content sharing: I'm inclined to like what my friends like.

planning is far more easy

We have a group of friends, where we find A,B,C,D,...

Lets say that A wants to organize a bbq tonight.

A send an invitation (video, sound, text...) to a bbq tonight to B,C & D thanks to the portal.

B wants sausages, C doesn't like them and D can't come.

The information is available to A after only a few minutes, a pair of clicks!

geographical proximity

they can be used as geographic event organisation tools: "vide-grenier"...

they can be used to tighten to feeling of belonging to a community

they can be used a support for infrastucture related polls

the political power can use these to propagate information


on activities

theme based discution

polls people about the future of the community

web 2.0 makes information circulation easy

planning/feedback on small events made quick & simple

easy advertisement & sponsoring targeting

on event

plan new events

discuss it & poll the public

link communities on events

get feedback from people/other communities

organize the event

assume the advertisement for the event in a graphical wiki form

remote proximity with videoconference

you can easily increase the number of meeting in geographicaly wide communities.

the communities can share settings so that videoconference with every single member is only a click away.

the MA for associations can be held partially on VoIP/IoIP

Angoulème's private site

Community, services to inhabitants...

Each inhabitant have an account to acces to this part of the site

City directory

Possible contact and community sharing

Available profile

Names of citizen

Administration services

Easier access to administration stuff

City hall stuff

Poll about mayor descions

in order to make citizens participate to city administration project. Inhabitants can create their own poll in order to help developpement of the city



Tax payement and informations




City projects

Offers for rent or buy

Account properties

personnal profile and links to other family member (childrend, uncle...)

Angoulème's public site

cf Elsie map on affinitiz

It's the public part (advertising) of the portal of Angoulème 2.0


Others interesting things to do in Angouleme





All the services that offers you Angouleme

Information Centers





The populars festivals of Angouleme



Festival Musiques Metisses

Circuit des Remparts

Festival International de la Bande Dessinée

Piano en Valois


Useful information of the city

Useful Data

Tourist info




The City







The top's places to visit in Angouleme


Hotel de Ville

Place Louvel


Centre National de la Bande Dessinée

Musée of Beaux -Arts

Museum of Angouleme

Old Town


News about the city
Major things comming
Weeks news
Today's things to do

linked with events made by communities and city hall news (create by a city hall employee)