da Noah Aschbrenner mancano 3 anni
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In the savanna of East Africa, the Masai people developed a very different culture from the Bambi and the San.
Like the Bambuti, the San people have lived for thousands of years as hunter-gatherers. However, their home is in a very different climate.
Among the African cultures that anthropologists have studied are the Bambi of Central Africa. They live deep in the tropical rain forests of the Congo Basin and depend on the forest to provide their needs.
Four major groups of hominids appeared in Africa between 5 million and about 200,000 years ago. Each group was more advanced than the one before it and could use better tools.
Perhaps the most famous Stone Age site in Africa is Olduvai Gorge. This steep canyon is located on the Serengeti Plain in northern Tanzania. Anthropologists working in the gorge have discovered the fossil remains of more than 60 hominids, or early ancestors of humans.