The discussion revolves around the persistent issue of social inequalities, particularly focusing on class and gender distinctions. Despite arguments that class divisions may be diminishing, tangible disparities still prevail, as highlighted by the significant portion of the population suffering from deprivation and limited access to essential services.
Bronwyn DaviesReproduction of gender through social norms.Importance of social action: how we do gender.
Sue Sharpe (1976)Children 'rehearse' future roles at home.Changes in attitudes.
Nancy Chodorow (1976) : Psychoanalytic approach.Femininity/Masculinity - rooted in emotional structes establishedin early life.e.g men emotionally restricted , independent and work orientated.Women more emotionally connected, less work orientated and attentive to others.
Treatment by parents produces gender. Imitation and Identification.
4 Social groups...
Low in both.
Low economic and high cultural
High in economic, and low in cultural
High in economic and cultural capital
What is social class?
But do these things necessarily co-incide?
. Also 'educational caital and cultral capital'.- Pierre Bourdieu. Habitus is therefore important.