Categorie: Tutti - condicionamiento - conductismo - psicología - conducta

da Cristian C. Palma Suescún mancano 3 anni


Teoría Conductista

El conductismo es una corriente psicológica que sostiene que el aprendizaje se produce a través de cambios en la conducta observable. Esta teoría se desarrolló principalmente durante el siglo XX, con figuras prominentes como John B.

Teoría Conductista

Teoría Conductista

Begin by typing in the name of your project, then press Enter.


Cristian Camilo Palma Suescun
Angie Paola Valencia Garcia
Natalia Vanessa Matos Rios
Eda Beatriz Asis Cantillo

B.F Skinner

Next, make a list of Users. These are the people who will interact with the solution that you are creating.

Users are identified not by personal name, but by their role in relation to the task they perform.

Add a User role and press Enter.

Condicionamiento Operante
Llevó el conductismo un paso más adelante, abrazando una vertiente radical.
Aportó rigor científico a la Psicología
Fue un importante Psicólogo, inventor y escritor.

Jhon B. Watson.

Epics are the major stages in a project and are divided up into sprints.
An epic is often a product release point or a handover to the customer.

Add an Epic of your project.

If you have a target date in mind, include it in the topic text for clarity.

Condicionamiento Clásico.
Heredero de los estudios de Iván Pablov
Escuela psicológica conductista.
Fue de los psicólogos más importantes del siglo XX.


Write down a summary of your project's key points, to act as a reference for discussions.

Add a key point about your project.

Burrhus Frederic Skinner (1904-1990)
John B. Watson. (1878-1958)

¿Qué es el conductismo?

Corriente Psicológica

Type in a user story, in the following format:

'As a [A], I need to [B], so that I can [C]'
[A] is a user role,
[B] is what the user needs to do, and
[C] is why they need to do it.

El aprendizaje deriva de un cambio de conducta
Conducta y comportamiento

Estimate the relative complexity of this story, expressed as story points. Trivial things are only a point or two, and the average is about 5 points.

If you find it hard to guess, you may need to break it down further into smaller stories.

1 story point (easy)2 story points3 story points5 story points (average)8 story points13 story points (hard)More than 13 story points

