Categorie: Tutti - experiment - materials - observations - colors



Welcome to the Thomas Edison Science Laboratory!

The experiment aims to explore whether shadows can be formed in colors other than black. Using a whiteboard, red, green, and blue bulbs, light sockets, and an opaque object, the setup involves arranging the bulbs and adjusting their positions until white light is seen on the board.

Welcome to the Thomas Edison Science Laboratory!

References (Where did I get my idea or any information in this mindmap from)

1. From my father 2. A colour shadows video from you tube 3.From a website called

"Colour Shadows" - by Young Scientist "L. Karthik"

4. Procedure/Steps (+ Diagrams)

1.Set-up the bulbs and white board such that light from all the bulbs fall on the same place. 2. Arrange the bulbs in Red-Blue-Green. 3. Make the room dark. 4.Turn on the colour lights and adjust their positions until white light is seen on the board. 5.Place opaque object close to the board. 6.Look for different colours of shadows formed. 7.Now,switch off one of the lights and observe the colours of shadow formed. 8.Repeat the previous step, by switching off another light. 9.Try the experiment using different opaque object.

3. Materials

1. White Board 2. Red,Green and Blue bulbs 3. 3 light sockets 4. An opaque object like hand etc 5. An adult help

2. Aim

To check whether shadows are only black in colour or other colour shadows can be formed.

Any other interesting videos/pictures

1. 2.

6. Conclusion - (Cloze passage with the KEY CONCEPT like in your workbook)

Red,Green and Blue through combination make white colour. As light travels in straight lines,the shadow formed by blocking all three colours at the same place from black shadows. In the areas,where Red light is blocked,Green and Blue light combine to make cyan. Where,blue is blocked,Red and Green light combine to make yellow and so forth.

5. Observations you want your students to make/Questions to answer

1.Why shadows are formed of different colours? 2.When you switch off one of the lights,why do some colour shadows go missing?