El aprendizaje de una segunda lengua se ve facilitado cuando los estudiantes participan en interacciones y comunicaciones significativas. Es crucial que las tareas de aprendizaje en el aula ofrezcan oportunidades para negociar el significado y expandir los recursos lingüísticos, observando cómo se utiliza el lenguaje en intercambios interpersonales mínimos.
The classroom is a community where learners learn
collaboration and sharing
8 Successful language learning involves
use of effective learning
and communication strategies
Learners develop their own routes to language learning, progress
at different rates,
have different needs and motivations for
language learning
. Language learning is a gradual process that involves creative use
of language.
errors are a normal Communicative Language Teaching
product of learning, the ultimate goal of learning is to be able to use the new language both accurately and fluently
Language learning is facilitated both by activities that involve
inductive or discovery learning of underlying
rules of language
use and organization, as well as by those involving language
analysis and reflection.
The role of the teacher in the language classroom 9
provides opportunities for students to use
and practice the language and to reflect on language use and
language learning.
Communication is a holistic process that often calls upon the use
of several language skills or modalities.
Meaningful communication results from ss procesing content
purposeful, interesting, and engaging.
Effective classroom learning tasks to provide the opportinities for ss to negotiate meaning
Expand their language resurcesnoyice how language is used in a minimmal interpersonal exchange
Second language learning is facilitated
when learners are engage in intearction an meaningful communication
Romero Gómez María Enedina
Activity 2