Database Cars
Type in the name of your web site and press Enter.
Your web site will need to be regularly monitored to ensure that problems are detected early.
Think about:
- Monitoring outages and slow response with automated software
- Monitoring for hacking or security breaches
- Schedules for a 24x7 response if necessary
Add actions to establish monitoring and response for your site.
etc. .....
B8 Mk2 2012 2015
B8 Mk1 2008 2011
B7 2004 2008
B6 2001 2004
If your site contains dynamic information such as a blog, a news feed, user forums or regular campaigns, how will these be updated and published?
Think about:
- A publishing schedule
- Who will do this
- How it will be staged and checked before publishing
- How obsolete information will be removed
- Moderating user forums, cleaning up junk posts and managing users
8V Mk1 2012 2016
8P Mk2 2008 2012
8P Mk1 2003 2008
8L 1996 2003
What will be your process for managing change on your website?
Think about:
- How changes will be identified and logged
- Who will do them and how often
- How they will be tested
- How they will be authorized for release
- How they will be rolled out without disrupting the user experience
Add an action needed to establish change control.
8Z 1999 2005
Identify the sources of change on your website.
Think about:
- User feedback
- Marketing campaigns
- Changes in products and services offered
- Improvements from analysis of usability feedback
- Changes incorporate style or logos
- Changes in your organization that need to be reflected in the web site
Add a source of change for your website.
GB 2018
8X 2015 2018
8X 2010 2014
8X 2010 2014 1.4 TFSI
8X 2010 2014 1.2 TFSI
Example Data Site
I need all Data form the last Site of the cars. Stage1, STage2 etc..