によって Casey Chen 12年前.
The text discusses various biological concepts and processes, starting with meiosis and its role in genetics. It highlights the distinction between genotype, which encompasses an organism'
BIG IDEA 3 Hydrogen Bonding Versaltility as a solvent hydration shell Ability to moderate Temperature Specific Heat Evaporate cooling Heat of Vaporization Cohesive Behavior cohesion surface tension adhesion Expansion upon Freezing water expands while it freezes and the molecules moves slowly. Ex: rocks cracking Biosphere Ecosystem Communities plants, animal,organism population organism organ system
reproductive system
trees and white tailed deers Deciduous forest Cellular Respiration Oxidative Phosphorylation ETC and Chemiosmosis 26 or 28 ATP Substrate Level Phosphorylation Kreb Cycle (2 cycle) 1 FADH2 1 ATP 3 NADH+ 2 CO2 Glycolysis Investment 2 ATP used
Payoff 2 Pyruvate
4 ATP formed
Chloroplasts Calvin Cycle consume 1 molecule of G3P, the calvin cylce consumes total of 9 ATP and 6 molecules of NADPH. Sucrose starch Phase 3 ( Regeneration of the CO2 acceptor) RUBP is prepared to recieve CO2 again and continue the cycle Phase 2 (Reduction) Phase 1. (carbon Fixation) Does not use light Light Reaction Light photon strikes pigment molecule in PSII Enzymes split photoxcited
Use light Replication Enzymes DNA ligase DNA I DNA Pol III Primase Topoisomerase SSB Eukaryotes Replication occurs in the nucleus Anitparallel arrangement Complementary base Pairing Prokaryotes Replication occurs in the Cytoplasm BIG IDEA 2 Big Idea 1 Meiosis Dominant Dominant alleles are written by capital letters Phenotype Organism's actual observed properties BIG IDEA 3!!!!! Recessive Recessive alleles are represented by lower-case letters Genotype An organism's Full hereditary information even though not expressed Main topic