Set in a dystopian future, the story revolves around a society under the total control of a powerful government entity known as 'Big Brother' and The Party. Citizens live in a state of constant surveillance and fear, where all actions are dictated by the Party, which claims to act for the greater good.
strenghts - ability to question
the party and their actions,
moral - The party has become so powerful
that they don't need morals to do anything,
anything they say is belived by the people
and they create all laws and morals
social - most people living in Oceania believe
that the party are doing everything for their
good and nothing they do is corrrupt - naivety
Political - the party has complete
control over Oceania, 1984 explores
how power can be exploited and people
can become obsessed with getting more
more control
moral - people are either under
the party's spell and belive that
everything they do is for the greater
good but there are some people that
realise what they are doing and rebel
social - "Big Brother" and
The Party are in power,
everyone works for the party
in some way and everything goes
to the party
conditions - bad living
enviroment, everyone
lives for the party and
in fear