Categories: All - exploitation - resources - poverty - retirement

by David Meneses 5 years ago


Challenges for our society on future

Future societal challenges are poised to be significant, with labor exploitation being a primary concern. As the population declines due to fewer young people having children, the workforce will shrink, leading to increased workloads and deteriorating working conditions.

Challenges for our society on future

Labor exploitation

This is a heavy problem society will afront in the future, this will be because there will be less people than nowdays because people doesn't want to have kids so young people will have to work harder because there's no enough people to work.

This is going to happen in almost every company which needs a lot of work to flourish.
This is actually beggining at this time, personal from the companies complain about the bad treatment they get, No vacations, Long work schedules, etc.

Retirement pension

In some years people will be too old because nowdays, young people don't want to have kids so in the future will be more elders than young people and money will not be enough to afford every pension.

This is going to happen in some years as soon as people are get older.
Almost in all the world if young people doesnt want to have kids

Extreme poverty

As years pass population is increasing, as a matter of that people that live in extreme poverty communities still have kids and this will increase poverty stats. Extreme poverty is the condition that some communities afront when resources are very limited, is difficult for them to have the 3 meals a day.

This is going to happen in the developement of the time because there is no way to improve their qualities faster
Happening in every developing country which has high levels of poverty as Colombia also a good example of where is going to happen this problematic.

Challenges for our society on future