Categories: All - karma - yoga

by Addie Howell 9 years ago


Eastern Approches to the unified reality

Hinduism views the ultimate reality as Brahman, a supreme being encompassing many gods and goddesses, with the goal being to reconnect with Brahman after death. The self, or Atman, transcends ego and is part of Brahman, undergoing a cycle of reincarnation known as Samsara.

Eastern Approches to the unified reality

Eastern Approches to the unified reality


the meaning of life is similar to taoism, and they belive in the idea of harmony and the ying yang.

they believed that perfection was in reach of everyone and therefore strive to be living example of virtue. They truly believe in becoming and reaching your best potential.

They really respect thier elders, as they believe they have been through similar things and you must look up to those who have done the journey before you.
Often lived thier lives thinking they had to serve to heaven.
The ultimate reality in confucianism, is a little different than that of the others. Confucius thought that the nature of ultimate reality is beyond humans to know or understand therefore morals should come from relationships and not be referred from a higher order.
TO become ones self they had to follow the way to heaven, once one finds themself through the journey of life, they then find god and that it thought to be when they find themselves.
Relationship between mind and matter
The mind and matter of confucians is close, as they must learn the five virtues in which are displayed and used in every aspect of their lives. They must use the physical world around them to learn the 5 virtues, leaving their mind and matter close.


Another meaning of life is to receive good karma
The meaning of life is to achieve four things

1.Dharma- act ethically and morally throughout your life

2. Artha- pursuit of wealth

3. Kama- receiving enjoyment from life

4. Moksha- liberation from rebirth and freedom. And enlightenment

The ultimate reality is Brahman, which is a supreme being and the soul of the universe. Hindus can see him or her however they choose. Brahman is made up of many gods and goddesses who ultimately specialize in different areas. Therefore the ultimate reality for a hindu is to reconnect with brahman after death.

Whichever path is taken to get to ultimate reality is seen as valid.

Atman is the self of Hindus, it is the self beyond ego and false self. It originated from the Brahman which is the soul of the universe, and one shall return back to the universe; a large part of ones self is spiritual rather than material

This doesn't just happen in one life, they believe in reincarnation therefore when they die their soul does not die. This endless cycle is names Samsara

Hindus belive that mind is matter although very subtle

Hindus connect their mind and matter often by yoga, connecting with their Atman and relaxing their mind and body.


Embrace the journey that life gives you

The ultimate goal is to aline themselves with Tao by letting nature take its natural course and not interfering, this is called Wu Wei

ultimate nautre of reality
Taoists really live a "go with the flow" kind of life and that is ultimately their goal.
The goal of taoists is to become one with Tao which all things derived from, this leads people to a balanced, happy life of being one with the surrounding world.
Taoists find themselves by something called self-cultivation which has a few stages

1. Eliminating imbalnces in your energies by bringing them all together (could be accomplished by meditation)

2. Choas- this is the second stage where you break premade routines and become comfortable with just being and embracing the ying yang which represents the good and the bad in life

3. the final stage of taoists finding themselves is when they have accomplished steps one and two and they become one with the world that surrounds them and the situations around them.

The relationship between taoists mind and matter is very strong and in synch in order to be one with the world that surronds you, you must open your mind to see and be with the physical world


Meaning of life
Buddhas four noble rules help to find people Nirvana which is the end of change and oneness with the universe

1. Dukkha: Suffering is everywhere and a part of life. 2. Samudaya: There is a cause of suffering, which is attachment or misplaced desire (tanha) rooted in ignorance. 3. Nirodha: There is an end of suffering, which is nirvana (the possibility of liberation exists for everyone). One must cease all desires. 4. Marga: There is a path that leads out of suffering, known as the Noble Eightfold Path (right view, right thought, right speech, right conduct, right vocation, right effort, right attention and right meditation). (taken from ministry course) .

The primary purpose is to end suffering, as it is thought that people are contsantly suffering becuase they get attached to things that give us unlasting happieness.
Ultimate nature of reality
Often budihsts reality is diplayed in bhavacakra which are paintings that reperesent the universe as a "series of concentric circles all within the grasp of Mara, the lord of death" (


Has no beginning such like the Christian universe does

There is a supreme State rather than supreme person

reality is samsara; ever changing, has an endless existence and is impermanent.

Reaslity is called dharma or dhamma and it is the concept that reality, is what it is.

What is self?
In buddhism there are five skandhas (5 parts to ones existence) all controling different parts of you which include; form (physical form), sensation(emotion and physical feelings) , perception(thinking) , mental formations(habits, prejudices,predispositions) and consciousness (awareness of sensitivity to an object)

ego is thought of a byproduct of the 5 skandhas

Relationship of mind and matter
Buddhists belive in a strong connection between the mind (nama) and matter (rupa) They belive they must work together for life to happen; they belive for one to work they must have the other present when death comes that is the seperation of mind and matter.