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Method 2 of pollination insect-pollination which can only happen if the flower has flashy-colors,sweet tasting nectar and it must be sweet-smelling then the bee or butterfly gets attracted to it and lands on the anther and after its got its share of nectar from this plant it will go to another flower and land on the stigma dropping pollen grains on the stigma causing pollination
Method one is air pollination which could only happen if the flower has a hairy stigma sticking out of the plant to catch the pollen grains mid-air
The second method of seed dispersal is water dispersal,this process of seed dispersal takes place if a plant is near water and its seed is covered with a water-proof husks that are filled with air and will float until it reaches land
The third method of seed dispersal is animal dispersal by either the seeds get tangled into the animals fur or the fruit gets eaten and the seed spit out,some animals eat both the fruit and seed
The fourth method of seed dispersal is is explosive action which is by splitting open and is also known as self dispersal