by Jessie Chen 11 years ago
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Ensuring that the eldely have a retirement account which contains a minimum sum so that the elderly will receive monthly payments during their old age.
Enacting the Tribnal for the Maintainance of Parents so that the elderly will not be emotionally distressed over children who did not support their parents financiallly. Under this act,they can be brought to court by their parents
Giving income tax incentive to chidren who take care of their elderly parents' emotional, social & financial needs
Allowing housing grants for children who want to live near thier elderlt parents so that the children can be close enough to support their parents emotionally
By allowing these provisions for the elderly, the government ensures that the elderly will have some level of support their children & grandchildren. This so beacause:
THEREFORE, the government can prevent taxing the younger people in the country.
The elderly feel emotionally stable & during family functions, they will feel socially apt with their relatives as they are considered a alue member in the family
When the grandchildren came into picture, the elderly feel wanted as they can provide are & guidance for them
the children wil value the advice andguidance of their elderly parents for their experiencese
Commuity Centrs organize road shows where medical organiaztions offer free health checks & oganize recreational activities which are meant to help the senior citizens to remain physicall, mantally & socially active
Such organizatins involve members of community e.g. hoousewives, students & retirees to help look after the needs of senior citizens
HENCE, community and such voluntary organizaions help address the social & emotional needs of an ageing population with thier offer of medical, social & sometimes emotional support. HENCE, the elderly will remain active & put a strain on the government's resources.
With government subsidies, voluntary welfare organizations help run the community-based services for senior citizens. E.g. Home Nursing Foundation for elders provides immobile elderly with necessary home nursing on a regular basis
Grandparents' Day is celebrated in November to inform families about the value of the elderly which can motiivates the elderly to lead an enriching and balances lives with their loved ones.
These then will help to address the social and emotional needs of an ageing population, specifically the demand for more healthare & social services greatly
They should also take care of their financial problems so to save enough money to last their retiremetnt year, attend talks on financial planning and read books on financial planning. (Financial Planning)
At the same time, they should exercise reglarly and maintain a healthy lifestyle.( Healthy Lifestyle)
In these ways, the elderlys will not seek medical treatment as thy are in good health. THERFORE, they will not need to demand for more health care, which puts a strain on the government's resources.
The elderly should watch thir diet by eating healthier products that are lower in salt, saturated fatand sodium but higher in fire and calcium (Healthy Lifestyle)
By making it easier for forigners to work and live in Singapore, the government hoped that some of these individuals would develop an attachment to the nation and take up permanent residence or citizenship.
The influx of foreigners into Singapore has indeed increased the population of Singpore. An indication of this is establishment of foreign radio stations, restaurants and international schools in Singapore.
This allowed women to take care of the young one for a longer period and at te sametime, rest longer at home.
This was to enable the family to have some financial relieff while taking care of te chldren and supporting the grandparent at the same time.
This allowed more time for the civil service employees to spend time with their families.
All these pro family maesure recevedpositive feedback from the public. The success of these policies are on going but in gneral, estimates from 2005-2010 reveal a lackluster population growth amongst Singaporean couples.
Since both parents were allowed to claim medical benefits from employers, the financial burden of taking care of the children when they were unwell became less of a burden.