Categorieën: Alle - instructions - navigation - mindomo - formatting

door Grace Shadid 3 jaren geleden


Mindomo tools practice HW

Mindomo is a versatile tool designed to help users organize their thoughts and tasks efficiently. It allows the addition of subtopics, topic notes, links, and attachments from various sources and formats.

Mindomo tools practice HW

Getting started with Mindomo

Exporting maps

A. Add the following subtopics here

B. Include instructions for how to do each of the followings.

Please keep in mind that there can be multiple ways of using some of functions/tools

To export pdfs and images, you save them to your account, and then upload it from the Mindomo library.

Export image
Export pdf

Extra information

A. Add the subtopics here

B. Include instructions/shortcuts for each of these

To add topic notes, you click whatever topic you want to add the notes to, right click it, and the select add notes from the menu. To add links and attachments, you do the same as what you would do to add notes, but instead select add links and attachments.

Links and attachments
Topic notes

Main topic

Visual interest

Add the subtopics here include instructions for how to do each of the followings. Please keep in mind that there can be multiple ways of using some of functions/tools



You simply search the image directly from the internet, add it to your library, and upload it from there.



To add icons or emojis, simply press the button on your keyboard that allows you to do so.

Between topics/subtopics

Edit relationship lines (color/shape/weight/pattern/direction of arrows)

For relationships between topics/subtopics, you use the shortcut tab.




icons and emojis

Topic formatting

Add the subtopics here include instructions for how to do each of the followings. Please keep in mind that there can be multiple ways of using some of functions/tools.

Editing & Navigating

A. Add the following subtopics here

edit text



Grab canvas


B. Include instructions or shortcuts for how you to do each one.

To edit text, you right click on it. To copy you use control x and to paste you use control v. To delete you just select what you want to, and also use control v.

For the navigation,


Mind map building

Add the fowllowing subtopics

Include instructions (or shortcuts) for how to do each of them.

To create a topic, you use the middle of the screen. To add sub topics, you click the tab button on your computer. You push and hold on whatever you want to move if you want to move the topic.

moving topics
show/hide topics
adding topics
creating a new mind