Categorieën: Alle - enlightenment - rights - equality - women

door Adrianna Newell-Nudd 2 jaren geleden


The Thinkers of The Past

Historical and modern perspectives on gender roles, societal expectations, and the contributions of notable thinkers are highlighted. The narrative emphasizes the progress women have made in various professional fields, encouraging them to transcend traditional expectations.

The Thinkers of The Past


Orange summary block/black line under summary

result of thinkers efforts in modern time

Blue Dotted Arrows

Connection of thinkers in the Scientific Evolution time Period

Purple Dotted Arrows

Connections of people In the REinssance Time Period

Pink Dotted Arrows

Conntectons of Thinkers In the Enlightment Period

Bolded Letters

Black Arrows

Connection of time Period and Their Principals
Thinkers/People of the time


Time Period

Encouraged many women after her to step over the time of expectations for woman at the time and become who you believe you are to become. With her achievements and many others women are almost raised to the same bar as men in many different work fields

Added statements to back up the modern belief that humans are a gift from God and we are made the way we were for a reason

Helped develop pathology in modern time by having an example of parts of a body they may be looking to dig up

In modern day, we are able to trace back the higher violence rates in men caused by the atmosphere/people they are surrounded with.

Freedom of speech is very important in modern day society to defend our rights from the government trying to take away people voices.

In modern day, his discovery on the moon affecting the tides is caused by the gravitational forces of the moon on the oceans of the water. With the gravitational pull from the moon causing the water to rise it lets people of this time period note when the tides will be high at what periods of the day

The Thinkers of The Past

Age of new discoveries; both geographically and intellectually which had tremendous impact on Western civilization

Renaissance (1300's-1600's

Trading Center between Europe and the East. Italians were surrounded by aicent Roman culture. Absolute power corrupts absolutely which Martin felt that they had to much power and believed power should be distributed to more people
Impactful People
Leonardo Da Vinci

Transformed raw materials into useful products in Architectural drafting. Believed the works of the human body is to be a analogy for the workings of the universe



Protection of civil liberties from 1501-1504. Made man a hero not just a God


Digged up dead bodies in Church Graveyards to study how to recreate the human body. Included the insides of a human body into his art


Martin Luther

his writing changed the course of religious and cultural history in the West. Spending his early years as a monk eventually to pen a document attacking the Catholic Church of its corrupted practice of selling absolve sin. Challenging and ultimately caused division of the Church



Scientific and academic thinking should be based on reasoning
Believed social change was possible
Questioned divine-right of rule
Challanged old ways of thinking

The Englightment (18 Century)

Jean Jacques Rousseau
Majority rule was the will of the people. Influenced Declaration of Independence. Majority of violence on our culture is committed by men (86%)
Ideological Co-Founder of the American Constitution. Believed people built politics that reflected their religion, customs, family, livelihood. Advocated for; abolition of slavery, constitutionalism, peace, etc.
Opposed to the influence of the church or the clergy in political affairs. Did not like Jewish people (very selective to who deserves social tolerance). " I may not agree with what you say, but ill defend to the death your right to say it"
John Locke
If rules did not protect the rights, the people had the right for a new gonvernment. Gonvernment should have limited power if they broke the social contract. All people are free with natural rights that rulers cannot take
Thomas Hobbes
Believed man was evil and in constant state of war. People would get civil rights in return for having a gonvernement rule them. Successful rulers were able to maintain absolute

Scientific Revolution (1543-1800)

Caroline Herschel
Discovered a Nebua & Coment. Recieved a check and a gold metal for her achievements
Laura Bassi
First woman to becomae a physics professor at a eurpoean university. Several of her thesis showed influence of Isaac Newton's work on optics and light. Began performing experiments with Veratti on possible medical applications of electricity
Sir Isaac Newton
Stuidied astronomy and planetary mothon. Discovered measurable pattens in the phenomeon of colour in each ray refraced through its angle
Johannes Kepler
Founder of 'celestial mechanics, calculated the motions of objects such as planets being the first to explain planetoary mothon (how objects move through space). Explained how tides were influenced by the moon'
Discovered the pendulum and how long it takes an object to move through space and time. This discover would lead to Galileo's further study of time intervals and the developemnt of his idea for a pendulum clock

Questioned the Divinty and power of the Church

Ushered in all modern science