Kategorier: Alle - literacy - feedback - environment - partnership

av Teacher Nurgat 5 år siden


Dual Language

To promote language development and build community partnerships, schools are encouraged to involve community members through various programs focusing on literacy, such as those offered at public libraries, community centers, and settlement agencies.

Dual Language

Dual Language

Community language classes

In high schools, academic courses in community languages can be offered
Community classes can be integrated into regular school program
Teachers can encourage their students to enroll and show their support for such programs
Classes can be sponsored by community cultural groups or by local district
Students to be encouraged to attend their own language class


Senior students taking academic courses in their own language could provide translation service as a practice component to build their confidence
Bilingual capabilities can have strong positive effects on students orientation and high sense of efficacy and self esteem
First language is an important component of learner identity and a source of cultural pride and self esteem
Positive recognition of the language they bring to school with them can encourage them to maintain and continue to develop their own languages
Broadening children's horizons by increasing their awareness and appreciation of other languages, cultures, and each other
Enhancing the status of multilingual children and giving them ample opportunities to demonstrate their skills (e.g., as authors and interpreters) and to share their cultures, countries of origin and personal experiences as newcomers to Canada
Freeing students to express themselves more fully through the use of their first language in oral and written communication, alleviates the initial feelings of confusion and frustration, and the sense of alienation

Langauge Development & Academic

Students who are fluent in two languages they are better problem solvers, demonstrate greater creativity and express more tolerant attitudes towards others
Students who can think in more than one lanagige appear to be mor flexibile thinkers and develop cognitive skills/abilities
The first language is a foundation for the second language learning
Lanaguge - Mother Tongue
To reject a child’s language in the school is to reject the child.
Children’s mother tongues are fragile and easily lost in the early years of school.
Spending instructional time through a minority language in the school does not hurt children’s academic development in the majority school language
Mother tongue promotion in the school helps develop not only the mother tongue but also children’s abilities in the majority school language
The level of development of children’s mother tongue is a strong predictor of their second language development.
Bilingualism has positive effect on childrenl inguistic and educational development
Strong foundation in their first language helps students: - develop mental flexibility - build problem solving skills - experience a sense of cultural stability and continuity -understand their own cultural and family values -become aware of the vaule of cultural diversity and multiple perspective - expand their career opportunities


Student langauge should be seen as a cultural resource
Appreciation of other and their own linguistic and cultural background
Global trade and globalization require effective communication across linguistic and cultural barriers - the future of the economics depends on collaboration and understanding of linguistic and cultural
ELL can lose their ability to speak in ther L1 Langage, negatively impacting realtionships woth their familiy mebers and cultural community
The first language is an important component of personal and cultural identity and is necessary for the maintenance of family relationship

Effective Dual Language Strategies

Color coding, dual dictionaries
Dual Language Posters, Brochures, Information Sheet
Story Translation Project
Multilingual Poetry Cafe
The Multi literacy Project - numerous dual langauge books and stories created by student http://www.multiliteracies.ca/
Texts - books and stores in students own language and experiences
Bilingual tutors can help L2L develop work in L1 then switch to L2
Working on dual language projects, make sense for students to use language 1 to clarify concepts, discuss problems, plan group tasks, write notes, outlines and first drafts
Beginner student can insert word in Language 1 , when they don't know English words
students proficient in Language 1 can write the notes and first draft in that language, before switching to the school language
Invite students to produce dual language assignment for example creating dual language books
Give ELL opportunities to work with same language partners
Invite ELL to develop ideas in their first language (mind mapping)
Encourage students who are just beginning to learn English to write in their own language

Open our eyes to the linguistic, cultural, and intellectual resources ELL bring from their homes to our schools and societies - use that as a resource. Rather then see ELL as a"problem to solved" with in educational system

Economic Resource

Globalization many business have customers, stakeholders, partners, suppliers and employee from various parts of the world
employers recognize the advantage and it makes good marketing sense of communication in the language of the customers
Need for bilingual workers in range of public service fields: counseling
language skills enhance employ-ability and bring benefits to individuals and employers
Increasing range of job opportunity for speakers of many different languages in public and private sectors

Classroom & Schools

Special Events
Remember: we want language diversity normal rather than unusual exotic or problematic
Concert featuring songs in vaarious langauges
Cultural Show for Parents, Staff and Students
Students guide during special events that are proficient in community language to welcome parents and help them around the building
- Create signs, notices and posters to display around the school - If information is important enough to be displayed around the school- it is important enough to be displayed in community languages - Morning Announcements in different languages - Printed daily bulletin posted announcements
Parents Involvement with their child:
Help with translation of school newsletters and invitations
Providing opportunities for ESL parents to develop their own literacy skills in the English language through listening to dual-language audio cassettes, translating books, helping out in the school
Fostering active collaboration between caregivers and teachers would create an inviting atmosphere in the school
Supporting parents in their efforts to develop their children's communicative skills in their first language maintains the lines of communication between generations
Inspiring parents to embrace their roles, and their opportunities and responsibilities with regard to their children's intellectual, social, and emotional development
For example: parents can read aloud or tell stories to groups of children in their native language or in English, share information about their countries of origin and their cultures, or translate newsletters
School and Community factors that play a role in successful acquisition of English among our ELL
- The Classroom environment is caring where teachers and peers support ELL - the quality of ESL or ELD development is tailored to their needs - Abundant amount of opportunity for interaction for conversational English with their peers - Encouraged to join extra curricular activities - Support langauge feedback: Oppourtunity to produce language and receive feedback in a respectful manner - Opportunity to maintain and develop the first language - Safe place for emotional response to learning institution - Include parents and provide support for new comer parents as they themselves dealing with culture shock, possible language difficulties - Provide orientation classes
Build community partnership in language development opportunists
Involve community members: - programs on focusing literacy - programs at public libraries -programs at community centers - partnership at local settlement agencies - partnership at ethnic cultural organizations
Instruction from Teachers: - Instruction should explicitly activate and build on students per-existing knowledge - Instruction should enable students to integrate facts with deeper conceptual structures - Instruction should promote active engagement in which students are supported in taking control of and self regulating their own learning
Classroom Activities: - completing dual language assignments (example: Signs, Posters, Advertisements - Working with same langauge partners t discuss and clarify information in first language before switching to English -Creating multilingual display for doors, signs around the school -Providing bilingual support for newcomers ex: tutors, room partners