av Peggy Lim 11 år siden
Internet 2E2
The internet offers a myriad of benefits and drawbacks in various areas such as safety, information, convenience, communication, and entertainment. On the positive side, it provides tools for data storage, job searching, online shopping, and bill payments, enhancing overall convenience.
ADVANTAGES AND DISADANTAGES OF THE INTERNET Safety and security Imposting people Hackers may hacked valuble information and misuse it pornographic softwares like norton security protects your computer from viruses online scams Police can track down criminals through the computer Chld friendly lock Personal information might get lost Communication wide business contacts Fast communication connects with the world Connect to friends and relatives overseas Communicate with friends via Skype,facebook. Entertainment Online books, e-books Eco-friendly obscene abd explicit content Websites like Youtube and funshion provides free movie, drama and variety shows for entertainment Free of charge entertainment book movie tickets Wasting time surfing the internet watching movies online Free games online FIFA 13 Social network YOUTUBE facebookc Instagram Twitter Main topic Information catch up on news Able to know what's going on around the world. increase general knowledge interesting information Scientific theories health issues learning purpose A lot of questions are not answered by professionals not the exact infomation False information Wrong information that promotes violence and terrorism Find information for projects. Convenience Buying things online. Some of the sellers are scam Should check the reviews
Data storage People would spend more time at home than going outside Shopping online Some online shopping websites like Qoo10 and Ebay allow you to buy stuff without getting out of the house Finding jobs online ordering Food delivery booking hotels, movie tickets etc Paying bills online